Just when I thought UPS couldn't screw us any worse... Addison, IL Hub closing for 2 years.


That’s Craptacular
I've had the same 29 mile commute vary from 45 minutes to eight hours. It averages about an hour and thirty minutes.
That's why when it snows if I can bang in...I do. I'm not digging my car out in the middle of the night and drive 90min to 2 hours to work in the snow...I've done it....I have seniority....let some new hire do it now.


nowhere special
For a while I had to drive 17 miles - 20 minutes in good weather but that could be twice that with bad weather or road construction. So I gave up a good route and bid on a route in another building closer to where I live. 3 miles/5 minute drive.


I have been at Addison for 11 years now. From my understanding of the modernization of Addison. They are doing the East side of the Hub first, which take a year. Then they will do the West side of the of the Hub the year after. http://goo.gl/maps/LBf0l (map of the building) Some workers will be relocated to other buildings. Also with my understanding, no union jobs will be lost in this "transfer" of people to other buildings. The agreement in the last contract and supposedly with the new pending contact that was just brought o my attention today is that they can transfer people to other hubs within the local union but not the country. Now I have been driving to Addison every day which is a 30 minute commute not bad. Sucks when people forget to drive in rain and snow and cause the commute to be a bit longer. Though I usually take a tollway with that great I-pass feature to work then take the longer and more peaceful drive back home. Though with this transfer of people to other hubs. I really hope I can get down to Westmont center since I basically live 5 to 10 minutes from that center. The reason I was placed at Addison, at the time that earn and learn was really just beginning, they (ups) place those who were going to school and to handle or make the transfer of paperwork easier is my guessing. But since that is all computerized and over the internet now, people can do this at any hub or center now. Though the only problem I have with this deal is, since I been at my building and the company for 11 years. I have read that I will lose my seniority if I do transfer to another building during the time of modernization of the building. I will lose my seniority and probably wouldn't be able to drive for a little bit at the new building. Now maybe with this "transfer" will I still lose my seniority? Anyone, Bueller, Bueller?


Lunch is the best part of the day
Technically no jobs are lost when they move your job to china. You always have the option to relocate. .....


Well-Known Member
Some workers will be relocated to other buildings. Also with my understanding, no union jobs will be lost in this "transfer" of people to other buildings. The agreement in the last contract and supposedly with the new pending contact that was just brought o my attention today is that they can transfer people to other hubs within the local union but not the country.

There still has been very little information given to us. I assume that's UPS doing damage control... and we wont hear a thing until they are legally required to tell us (45 days before transfer, if I remember correctly). The latest rumor is that you may be forced to change hubs, and shifts, depending on availability of openings. That's going to throw quite a wrench in the works for everyone with a second job, school, or both (that's almost everyone I work with).


@fres431 2015 when do you know??? Cause we have heard about this also. But anytime we ask people higher in the company they say its just a rumor... So this would be awesome to know... Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Wrong thread


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@MoarTape I believe I read there post in this form lol... Thanks for your input though...

Ya should ask north bay or san B ca (Oakland is planned for 2015 I hear)how they did there closing granted it was only for like 10 months or something but that would give ya better perspective on how it will go down. I've been told by manager that they completely gutted those and re-fabricated all the lines with auto sorters. With your building being :censored2: down for almost 2 years sounds like a demo and rebuild on location. I don't see why a hub would be closed that long if they can do San B inside so quick.
fres431, Nov 6, 2014 Report
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