Kari lake lost Bigly,refuses to concede


Inordinately Right
Name the big movies he has produced, directed, or starred in since then?
I didn't say anything about big projects.
He announced publicly he was going to stop doing big projects years before the incident.

You said the jew stuff was his downfall, it wasn't. If anything, Passion of the Christ was the thing that limited him. Look at the movies being made today.... the guy just isn't going to be involved with anything like that crap.

Good for him.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say anything about big projects.
He announced publicly he was going to stop doing big projects years before the incident.

You said the jew stuff was his downfall, it wasn't. If anything, Passion of the Christ was the thing that limited him. Look at the movies being made today.... the guy just isn't going to be involved with anything like that crap.

Good for him.
When did he announce that? Passion of the Christ was the catalyst that got the Left to cancel him after he made antisemitic remarks while arrested for drunk driving. You said he did quite a bit since the arrest. Nothing really of note. But it didn't matter as he was worth close to a half billion.


Inordinately Right
When did he announce that?
Passion of the Christ was the catalyst that got the Left to cancel him
That's what I said.
You said he did quite a bit since the arrest. Nothing really of note.
I disagree. He said he was going to avoid big hollywood productions, if that's what you're looking for then it's not "of note". I don't consider the 8th avengers movie to be "of note".


Well-Known Member

That's what I said.

I disagree. He said he was going to avoid big hollywood productions, if that's what you're looking for then it's not "of note". I don't consider the 8th avengers movie to be "of note".
"Passion of the Christ" was 2004, "Apocalypto" was 2006. Maybe he meant in 2002 he was going to focus on producing and directing. His career was never the same after that arrest.

And the Left needed an excuse to cancel him. They didn't "cancel" him until he got arrested.


Well-Known Member
Everytime I talk to this guy he goes in circles trying to say what I said in a different way. So strange.
You said I was wrong about his career being shot after he was arrested.
You said Gibson said in 2002 he would no longer be doing any big projects. I just pointed out he did do two very big films after 2002 but the big stuff stopped after he was arrested in 2006.

I was responding to brownblob asking what was the big deal about Kari Lake being seen with Gibson. I pointed out that he had made antisemitic remarks so they were trying to say she associates with such people. I mentioned his career tanked after he made the remarks. You decided to give me a thumbs down without explanation. So I asked. And as usual you try to cover your tracks when you get it wrong.


Inordinately Right
You decided to give me a thumbs down without explanation. So I asked. And as usual you try to cover your tracks when you get it wrong.
I gave it a creative mark because I disagree that jew incident was his career's turning point.

He decided to change the direction of his career before that incident.


Inordinately Right
You said Gibson said in 2002 he would no longer be doing any big projects. I just pointed out he did do two very big films after 2002
Two films both written directed produced and distributed by himself. You're proving my point. He decided to change the direction of his career and took it into his own hand.