falcon back
Well-Known Member
Your facts about courier training are incorrect, but since when did facts ever matter. Defensive driving and courier class are 2 totally different events.Our MD when they were in made mention that FDX is going to find out here pretty quick whether the hiring issue is with people staying home and getting paid or if it is something bigger.
Lots of couriers complaining about pay in this area. Many drivers think that they company plan is becoming the ground model, where drivers stay a few years then leave when they figure out it is not a career. Courier training is what 2 days? One day on the computer and one day of defensive driving? Your little handheld device tells you exactly what to do and how to do it. They can hire about any fool off the street to follow the directions of a handheld device. Get hired on and work a few years until you figure out the pay progression is moving at a snails pace. Quit. Company hires another low pay worker for a few years until the light bulb in their head comes on and they leave. FDX continues with this rinse and repeat formula. Company owes the worker nothing when they leave. No more pension to pay out. Cheap crappy benefits when the employee is here which the company pays very little for.
Legacy employees are the dinosaurs. Cheap labor that sticks around for a few years and then leaves is what the company is after now. Job knowledge is a thing of the past. No reason to pay for that when a cheap handheld device will do all the thinking and routing for the driver.