"Last, Best, and Final" offer sent to Local 89


Well-Known Member
I wonder why 407 and Stink never went into management? They are nothing but company men. I also found out through many friends that they have no credibility or pull. Local 407 apparently voted against the current contract and as for Stink, his boy B at Local 251 was defeated by a TDU slate. So again, these guys don't speak for the majority of the people in their locals. They speak on behalf of the elite, the old guard and anyone else that has enriched themselves on the members dime and ruled thru intimidation.

So your TDU friends lied to you SHOCKER

Anonymous 12

Non active member
Not quite sure of your philosophy but I'll play..
SUX, I can't wait until the "I told ya so" post. It's coming son, it's coming. You use the TDU scam philosophy system, we will use the educated method. You talk about the union enriching itself on our dime? I've enriched myself on the unions dime. I've made 1000 times more than I've ever paid out to the IBT. Go sell your anti union communistic ideology to the weak willed and the petrified. Let's face facts, every TDU local has been a disaster. I'm not making it up. It's in black and white. Amature hour!

Why does every TDU defender never admit they are TDU supporters?
I told you so is coming sooner than later and when it does I'm going to rub it in. Big time.

Anonymous 12

Non active member
First off, thanks for your response and the respectful, intelligent way you expressed yourself.
It was refreshing to see someone act like gentleman.
It's that approach that motivates me to try and explain my thought process.

I would like to point out that I quoted Stink and highlighted this specific sentence, "The BA in any local has only one job, and that's to keep people working".
It was the "only one job" part that struck a nerve with me.
While I understand that you took what you did from the context of the entire post, that is the beauty and the curse of the written word.
The written word is void of inflection and physical expression, often taken differently by each person who reads it.
In saying the BA's "only job", I expounded on that in its literal sense, a premise that I am all to familiar with in my local.
I have had a front row seat to far too many BA's who have embraced the premise that all they needed to do is worry about keeping people employed, turning a blind eye to all other issues.
I have had important safety grievances deadlocked to the state panel, only to have them thrown out as untimely because the BA "forgot" to docket them for 2 straight months.
These same safety issues still persist in the absence of these grievances being heard.
Had the same thing happen with 27 air driver doing ground work grievances.
Of course during these time frames, these same BA's managed to pull several rabbits from a hat, a hat I hope never fits my head.
I absolutely understand that some give and take will always be necessary and prudent, but my comments were aimed at the career horse trader BA.

So hopefully this gives some insight as to my thought process and I apologize if the term "whore" was over the top, but I couldn't find another that illustrated what I was thinking.
You get a new ba every three years don't you??