Anonymous 12
Non active member
The waiver ran out.I think they have a waiver with international for reduced init fees too.
The waiver ran out.I think they have a waiver with international for reduced init fees too.
That stinks for them.The waiver ran out.
Please don't tell me you think the union wants high turnover just to get more init fees. That would make a conflict of interests with termination grievances.
That reminds me, of something really funny.
During Local, IBT, or contact voting.... I have seen people make a copy of their ballot,
(In my Local) And then "mark" it several different ways.
When a certain "slate" is out campaigning.... "Hey, I voted for you.. see ?"
That reminds me, of something really funny.
During Local, IBT, or contact voting.... I have seen people make a copy of their ballot,
(In my Local) And then "mark" it several different ways.
When a certain "slate" is out campaigning.... "Hey, I voted for you.. see ?"
That's pretty damn gutless.
Just because you don't want to strike it doesn't mean others don't. Why didn't you ever submit your application to join management? You're nothing but a company man. People like you baffle me.
Ding ding winnerI'm just curious why 89's leadership is fighting so hard for the air district employees and they didn't for the rest of the UPS members.
The shuttle problem was addressed with the first round.
Health care problem FZ is fighting for the air district members but the rest of the UPS employees he left high and dry. He is ok with them being in TeamCare.
The 250 full-time job number has changed. Again he is asking for them in the air district but left out the rest of his UPS members.
Subcontracting- has he ever filed a grievance over subcontracting???????? That could have fixed the problem.
Safety - again has a grievance been filed under Article 18????
6 hour pension - lets see he agrees to 6 hour jobs not full-time jobs 6 hour jobs. These are part-time jobs he agreed to with a part-time pension rate higher than the rest of the part-time employees in his local. If I was a part-timer in that local I would be upset with him for not getting me equal benefits.
If I were a full-time employee in that local I would be mad he is fighting for the air district employees and leaving me behind.
They are playing politics with Mr. Hall they have a vendetta against him and it is unfair to Mr. Hall, to their members and the other 240,000 other teamster jobs they are playing with.
They already have delivery centers out in California with their own package cars. Look just like the UPS ones only green.
Pics ??
Aren't they called hipsters now days.He's probably referring to Amazon Fresh, which is a grocery delivery service being test marketed in LA for rich yuppies.
He's probably referring to Amazon Fresh, which is a grocery delivery service being test marketed in LA for rich yuppies.
He's probably referring to Amazon Fresh, which is a grocery delivery service being test marketed in LA for rich yuppies.
This is a fifty car center. How hard do you think it would be to add non-grocery packages to these routes and make deliveries? When FEDEX bought RPS, everyone said UPS would put them out of business. FEDEX ground gains a larger market share than UPS every year. Are they better than UPS or do they have lower overhead due to non-union labor? If life is so bad over there, how come the Teamsters cannot organize them? If you kill the goose that lays the golden egg, your nothing more than unemployed truck diver wondering why UPS could not keep paying you the highest wage with the best benefits in the industry.