Last is first


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Condom wrapper is shiny and sleek
Condom inside is opaque and grim
It shields my johnson so snug and tight
That I can't feel anything at all
So I guess I'll just wank and sleep tonight


Probably the Greatest American Alive
With the shadow of my imagination
since I don't have windows
But it'd be nice since my cellmate is a vegan
and doubles up on bean burrito day and has terrible flatulence.
I think I'm going to strangle him with my bed sheets
but first I'm going to crap and piss all over them
Makes it look more like a suicide


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Missy is the name of a sometimes pleasant, sometimes b word who pours coffee at the cafe. She has a methamphetamine habit and has the acne to prove it