Last nights bloomberg debate! Woohoo what a show!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have suddenly found the need to find the ignore button. I have found all my life hang out with positive people great things happen, hang out with nerds you will be at woodstock or OWS rallies.


golden ticket member
Try to find people with grand kids there, almost impossible ! They left them behind in the northern States !
So, Canadians move away from their grandkids and never buy them a b-day or Xmas present again ??????!!!!
Grandparents, no matter where they live, spend tons of $$$$ on presents for grandkids and they pay the shipping too!!! Florida is filled with people with grandchildren........your mind is so closed you couldn't even envision that!!


Für Meno :)
So, Canadians move away from their grandkids and never buy them a b-day or Xmas present again ??????!!!!
Grandparents, no matter where they live, spend tons of $$$$ on presents for grandkids and they pay the shipping too!!! Florida is filled with people with grandchildren........your mind is so closed you couldn't even envision that!!

Okay, her's a quiz for you :

Why does Florida have the oldest population in North America ?

a) The Florida Sun keeps them living longer
b) The newly born have a disease that ages them quickly
c) The heat prevents child-making
d) Too many gay people
e) Florida has become a retirement place to move to
friend) Children in Florida have a abnormal high death-rate
g) Children are being abducted by aliens (aliens found Florida thru the NASA and their return flights to earth).

I better stop now, even though I could make many more choices, but that would get too hard for you to figure out ;)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Cain can't win the south? Quick, someone tell Florida that their straw poll results were illegitimate because Mr. FedEx says he couldn't possibly win a southern state!

ITS A STRAW POLL BRETT...not truly representative of the voting blocks in florida.

I realize you got your panties in a bunch over it, but CAIN cant win southern states. Plain and simple.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Herman Cain is breaking boundaries, he is real, people are drawn to him, he is a threat...quote, (sort of)by Juan Williams.


Well-Known Member
Cain can't win the south? Quick, someone tell Florida that their straw poll results were illegitimate because Mr. FedEx says he couldn't possibly win a southern state!

ITS A STRAW POLL BRETT...not truly representative of the voting blocks in florida.

I realize you got your panties in a bunch over it, but CAIN cant win southern states. Plain and simple.

That's why he is polling as number one in south Carolina.


Well-Known Member
It's no big secret that the Romney camp was working behind the scenes for Cain in Florida. The reason? To make Perry look weak. It looks like it worked. Cain has neither the organization nor the huge money that Perry and Romney do, and he will never hit that level of backing. And no, the GOP will never nominate a black man. Just listen to Rush and all of that thinly veiled racist crap. He's your spokesman and defacto leader, and you somehow think that the real leader of the GOP is going to support a "colored"man to be President? No way.

Oh wow, thats rich. So you are saying Romney had his people whom he is paying to trump up his run for the presidency to talk up another person's bid for the nomination? That just makes no logical sense. Why would Romney help someone win a straw poll that has correctly predicted the Republican nominee since Ronald Reagan? I am guessing you are going to say Romney was behind Herman winning other national straw polls since and his meteoric ride to the front of this race is all Romney too? Just face it, Herman Cain scares the crap out of you and you don't want to admit it. He is staunchly conservative, likeable, intelligent, and well accomplished, and on top of that he takes away the only trump card Obama has and that is race. Can't exactly convince the voters he is racist when he is black himself. Obama is dead in the water politically speaking. He can't even get his own party to agree to a jobs bill that he has been pushing for sometime now, although we all know its really a campaign stunt and not really an attempt at getting this economy moving again. You know that in Jan. of 2013 a Republican will be in the white house and you are just in damage control hoping that its another RINO that will atleast go along with some democrat proposals instead of going hard to the right and creating another job boom like what Reagan did. Your side had its chance and failed, miserably. Now its time for the adults to take over again and show the world that the United States is not going to go quietly into the night. We are still the greatest nation on the planet and once Obama is out of the picture will prove this to the world once more.
Juan Williams? Another credible source?


Peace, all of a sudden, YOU are concerned with credible sources? Only a hypocrite would be worried about someone's source when they refuse to supply any source for their own wildarse claims. hint:Laura Bush.


bella amicizia
Really. I dont often agree with him, BUT he is usually one of the lefts darlings, and I respect his opinions, all of a sudden Not good enough.
Exactly what I was thinking. He worked for NPR. It's hard to get more left than that. I admit I have listened to NPR, only for the blues.


bella amicizia
He was just on Imus. Fox Business Network. He's a reasonable enough guy. I don't think he's as left as some others(Mika comes to mind), but he has some good points. Sadly, he is still for Obama. But, even he admits, you can't blame Bush anymore.
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He was just on Imus. Fox Business Network. He's a reasonable enough guy. I don't think he's as left as some others(Mika comes to mind), but he has some good points. Sadly, he is still for Obama. But, even he admits, you can't blame Bush anymore.
I like Juan Williams because he is a reasonable person (most of the time :) ). But, because he says "you can't blame Bush anymore", is exactly why TOS doesn't consider Juan a credible source.