I have a first name that can be spelled about 10 different ways. As long as it's not a legal document, I let people spell it any way they want! I don't bother correcting them.
Sorry, one more quick teacher story. A little boy named Freddy was having trouble with phonics and kept spelling his name Phreddy. Well one day he got sent to the principal's office because someone had written bad words on the bathroom walls. He denied it and denied it but they knew it was him. Seems the word on the bathroom wall was spelled "ph uck"!
Real life is funnier than fiction!
(Sorry, I had to doctor the word to get by the sensor, but you get the idea!)
when my dad was in medicle school, and he was on the ob/gyn section of his rounds, there was a woman who was in labor, and didnt know what she was going to have, but she heard the word "placenta" and said that she like that name and that is what she was going to name the baby, boy or girl.