Amazon is ”big business” ,no? Their profits generated by their workforce’s labor allows them a……..
oh wait, they are anti union and don’t have one, like what Trump and the right make harder and harder to have by the anti union laws they pass. You are cutting off your nose to spite your face and don’t even know it.
The Amazon, Walmart, and FedEx workers should unionized. They don't want it.
We are putting too much blame on the politicians. The truth is that Union politics and its bureaucrats have for the most part lost touch with their rank and file. There was a time when lower wage workers were pounding on the Local’s door to sign up, what happened?
Let us forget about the previous corruption and the backbiting Union bosses that got into Office strictly thru nepotism. Maybe the real issue is
US, do we really believe that our fellow members will stick up for the others that are left behind. Trust me in this … I am Union period .. but it is hard to believe it is working when you can not tell the difference between our leadership from the Companies, same suit, different tie clip.
Trump hates Bezos, maybe it is personal thing. He would love for Amazon to go Union purely out of spite. Maybe it comes down to the old quote:
“The enemy of my enemies is my friend”. I could be wrong on this but come November most of the blue collar Union middle class workforce will be voting for Trump. We all know where Biden is heading (downhill) the alternative is Harris, it has nothing to do on which side you are on..bottom line is they deserved to be
fired strictly by job performance alone. Besides that who is looking forward to another 4 years of the embarrassing incompetence by the Biden administration. Most of our membership will vote their pocketbooks and they hate any active pandering toward one social group over another. Another factor is their personalities both have flaws but it is a fact that Trump is far more entertaining than Biden, nobody likes Biden dullness, even his supporters, Trump on the other hand could do stand up. There will be no debates with this election, the Democrats know how it would play out and are now actively trying to get him off the ticket. Their very sneaky, underhanded Treatment of Trump over the years makes him more appealing to Middle Americans especially when they see the hypocrisy on the Democratic side. They are making Trump the ultimate underdog and Americans by nature loves or favors the underdogs.