Letter of record


Well-Known Member
I agree that would be a serious problem, but have you ever seen a variation that big on route that hasn't changed at all? Because I haven't. I have seen a driver get an article 7 termination because his sporh went from 18.5 to 17.9 and a center manager who didn't even want to talk about the variations in the drivers day that led to the variation in sporh. That termination was tossed out, but it should never have been given in the first place.

A .6 variation is hardly worth documenting.

We have a couple of drivers (one since retired and one out on disability) who were being targeted for production. I don't have actual numbers but I know that the SPORH difference was at least 2.0, probably more. Cover drivers had no problem scratching either of these two areas.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I can tell you Upstate that drivers being targeted have a 1 stop an hour difference, to the good, of their lock in and are still being harrassed.
Drivers need to document, document, document, and voicing their experiences here is a good permanent record.
Not ever driver is lily white. Not every day is the same. Somedays the stars are not aligned, all lights are not green, all customers do not come to the door, all dogs are not tied. All roads are not construction free, all egress is not available, and all stops are not deliverable in 3 minutes. All cars cannot be walked through, all pkgs are not reachable, and all customers are not agreeable, and all packages do not fit on a dolly for one trip. Sometimes its 10 69 pounders, sometimes its 10 letters.
for everyone of these obstructions to a good day, we try to find a way to make it up, sometimes you can, sometimes not. Rarely do we have the day where we think, this is a really great day. Full trucks used to be a challenge. Now full trucks get us called in for a beating.


Package Center Manager
I can tell you Upstate that drivers being targeted have a 1 stop an hour difference, to the good, of their lock in and are still being harrassed.
Drivers need to document, document, document, and voicing their experiences here is a good permanent record.
Not ever driver is lily white. Not every day is the same. Somedays the stars are not aligned, all lights are not green, all customers do not come to the door, all dogs are not tied. All roads are not construction free, all egress is not available, and all stops are not deliverable in 3 minutes. All cars cannot be walked through, all pkgs are not reachable, and all customers are not agreeable, and all packages do not fit on a dolly for one trip. Sometimes its 10 69 pounders, sometimes its 10 letters.
for everyone of these obstructions to a good day, we try to find a way to make it up, sometimes you can, sometimes not. Rarely do we have the day where we think, this is a really great day. Full trucks used to be a challenge. Now full trucks get us called in for a beating.

I would accept this all day long.


Stronger, Faster, Browner
A .6 variation is hardly worth documenting.

We have a couple of drivers (one since retired and one out on disability) who were being targeted for production. I don't have actual numbers but I know that the SPORH difference was at least 2.0, probably more. Cover drivers had no problem scratching either of these two areas.

Can it be proved that the Cover Drivers were taking full Breaks and Lunch without any work like sorting or driving involved????
Was Cover Drivers following methodes and traffic laws???

Way to many things can be done to hit scratch without doing it Legitly.

Was Cover Driver punching out as soon as he reached Air dock, Before unloading air, droping off will calls to customer service, unloading all Group 3's and possible high values, haz mats, etc.

Cover Drivers can shave alot of time off the clock and make #'s look good if Management has pushed them enough.

Runining off the truck and D.R.ing with no attempt to get customer attention. Rolling stop signs and flying down resi streets.

I can't say they R doing this, BUT U can't say they R not!!!!

To weak of an argument. These things I've mentioned are just a few that can make #'s look good. They don't like it when we take our real breaks and sort our trucks without using breaks to hide the time And alot of DRIVERS give in to the pressure and do just that.

We are our own worst enemy. Don't let the pressure and late punch outs break u into running for their#####'s


Active Member
This is all well and good but if you are running a 16.5 SPORH with a sup on car and a 12.5 when you are alone something is wrong somewhere.
Agrred we all aren't superstars, 4 stops per hour is way off course unless your suddenly two tripping or delivering or p/up a thousand extra pieces, but that was not the intent of post, harrasment was the gist, the tightening up of nearly 90 percent of the routes was. If you applied all the methods tought from your pre trip to your post trip your daily stops with sup on board should be at least 1 to 2 stops per hour less.


Pineapple King
This is what I see with lock in rides. Same area on car for three days(always the easy stuff) loaded stop for stop, no bulk. Of course SPORH will be up. Then the real days happen and your SPORH goes down and your in the office. I've always said if you want to get a number of stops per hour to try and stick too then you pick 2 days to ride and I pick 2 days and we split the difference. I know my days will be much harder than theirs.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
So today, we compare this day, and this day a year ago. I worked 9.77 both days, did 81 miles both days, had 20 more pieces last yr, and three more pick ups this yr. Last yr I was 73 late, this yr 1.28 late. Last yr, 15.01 this yr 13.90. ASk what I see, I say I look pretty consistent. Asked what the difference was, really I dont remember last yr. I was told it shows I do less work in more time. I dunno, guess I should start bringin in donuts for the pre am meeting.