Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Kids today are more accepting of others. It's the older generations that need to progress.
We'll die off ... just like the dinosaurs.
As for myself, I am very socially liberal.
As long as you don't hurt me, I don't care what you do.
I always try and make sure LGBTQ that come into NA feel comfortable and welcome.

You Are Never Alone
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Well-Known Member
Over the past decade, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people have made significant legal and political gains in the United States, including the freedom to marry.
Despite this progress, federal law does not expressly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in fields like employment, housing, and access to services, and fewer than half of the states offer explicit protections for LGBT people at the state level.
Without these protections, LGBT people across the United States lack clear recourse when they are fired, evicted, or refused service because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Sorry about your luck.

You’re copying and pasting nonsense.

Trump is rolling back civil rights for gays.

There’s nothing else to say.


Well-Known Member
Sure. Anything that violates US law.
You are older, at least an adult in 1973 I presume?

It makes no difference however.

In 1973 abortion was not lawful, I'd assume most thought it was immoral, many thought it could possibly be wrong, against public policy, detrimental to the life of a nation, or simply sin to take an innocent life.

In 1973 you were against abortion, then magically after nine black robes set our nation on the right track you changed your mind.

Think about it, ask Dred Scott his targeted, singular, personal opinion of morality and US law.

You and your type are weak members, afraid to go against the current flow, it's just easier to be cool. I get it, you have no foundation.

El Correcto

god is dead
You are older, at least an adult in 1973 I presume?

It makes no difference however.

In 1973 abortion was not lawful, I'd assume most thought it was immoral, many thought it could possibly be wrong, against public policy, detrimental to the life of a nation, or simply sin to take an innocent life.

In 1973 you were against abortion, then magically after nine black robes set our nation on the right track you changed your mind.

Think about it, ask Dred Scott his targeted, singular, personal opinion of morality and US law.

You and your type are weak members, afraid to go against the current flow, it's just easier to be cool. I get it, you have no foundation.
The fact that happens, doesn't it make you think that your right and wrong is based on ever changing law?
Your right and wrong are totally relative.
Queer speak.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
LGBT do not deserve "minority" status or qualify as such.
To say "gay rights" is saying the choice has already been made for us of their minority status.
Civil rights are given to minorities who have no choice as to the color of their skin, country of origin, etc.
A lifestyle choice does not grant one minority status.