Inordinately Right
I'm sure it's different in every area, but I know for a fact the cost per child is higher at public schools than it is at most of the private schools here.What if their tax dollars that would go to public schools wouldn’t cover the cost of their child’s education at a private school and the parent is unable to make up the difference?
What if politicians use this as a way to pay off their supporters by using their supporters tax dollars to fund their supporter’s child’s education while also damning the poor people to even worse public schools?
The same way leftists propose burn it all down the right can do that to. I do not like that approach and do not find it matching conservative values to knee jerk society out of something that has had a great positive impact on it over modern day outrage politics.
Where I'm at, right now we kind of have a version of the money following the kid via charter schools. But the state highly regulates them and what they can teach. The approval process to start one reaks of dirty politics, and they're almost all out of state large corporation types "nonprofits".
One of them dropped a ton of money in the area and ended up closing all the schools when they were about to lose their charter for poor performance. Turns out what works to teach ghetto kids in California didn't work out so well to teach ghetto kids in the South.
Local control is almost always a better option.