El Correcto

god is dead
Thanks GrandHomo
I hate it for you that you thought that all this time.
Glad to give names and numbers if you pm me. Not validation of the story, they would love to meet a friend*gg*t Brown man.

No thanks, you’re just trying to get my digits so you can drunk call me while your wife’s asleep and your watching gay porn.


Bad Moon Risen'


Well-Known Member



You ain’t no Christian, you’re a bitter old man who couldn’t cope with the fact your bigoted existence will most likely fade to an incomprehensible state of nothing. You’re more than likely a Pascal Christian gambling on the hope your “God” will save your sorry ass from not existing. You don’t represent Christian morals of loving your fellow man, you just preach all the loop holes you need to jump through to get into heaven and criticize other’s sin.

That’s why you can devolve into hatefilled speeches about what a homofag I am.
If you read the Bible you'll see loving your fellow man doesn't mean LOVING your fellow man. Sorry, just not so and never was. Doesn't mean I hate you. Like the rest of us you are dealing with temptations that can lead you astray. And I don't think your gay community does itself any favors judging by the goings on at gay pride parades. What we see is decadence and perversion on display. And more of we must accept you as you are or be labeled bigots. Sorry, not the world I see God wanting for us. Keep your sexuality behind closed doors and face God when the time comes like the rest of us.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King



You ain’t no Christian, you’re a bitter old man who couldn’t cope with the fact your bigoted existence will most likely fade to an incomprehensible state of nothing. You’re more than likely a Pascal Christian gambling on the hope your “God” will save your sorry ass from not existing. You don’t represent Christian morals of loving your fellow man, you just preach all the loop holes you need to jump through to get into heaven and criticize other’s sin.

That’s why you can devolve into hatefilled speeches about what a homofag I am.
You just can't let it go. lol
Still on the Trump thread. Still crying. Still attacking.
Anyone that doesn't give you the smiley face of approval is labeled "phobic"
Any disagreement no matter how its given, as soon as you pick up the open arm acceptance of homosexual behavior is not given, anything that is said is labeled hatefilled.
You are a homosexual. I could care less. You make it an issue. Stop crying. And stop bitchin'. Your choice is gonna come with a truckload :censored2:.
I'm a flaming heterosexual. Since 9 out of 10 people are , I can't help it if I get less :censored2: than you.
In your world everyone who doesn't agree with your agenda or doesn't speak the words you like is a racist and a bigot.
Shut up and wear the pants you put on.