
Got the T-Shirt
Are there more than two genders?



Staff member

Happening more and more.
You want to dress like a girl, I don't care. But when a MAN competes against a girl, the girl is going to get hurt.
I don't get why "trans women" don't get that. Go ahead buddy, hide your penis and dress like a woman.
But why don't they have any empathy towards real women who are at a physical disadvantage? It just gives more evidence that it is a MENTAL ISSUE.
And taking real womens records away? That's just dirty, and the people allowing it are dirty.
End rant.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Our kids will never be safe unless we address the epidemic of straight white male Christian republican perverts in positions of authority.

Blaming LGBTQ people won’t fix that except if you're deflecting.

Or, we could address the liberals who defend perversions used to entice children into their perverted mindset.

Sound like anyone you know??