It's basic GOP mantra. Blame the gays, trans, Muslims, border caravans, etc. for all of society's problems. Look in the mirror, Ben, because times are changing, even though you and Trump, AND the GOP want to go back to 1952. It isn't happening, and as old white people die off, the browning of America ensures a massive shift in our society, which is exactly what old white people and uneducated younger whites are afraid of. Stoking the fear machine requires demonizing "the other" and creates a huge opportunity for the Shapiros, Hannitys, and Limbaughs of the world to exploit for big money.
The days of White Christian types running everything and having all of the advantages are numbered. Michael Medved and Ben Shapiro "get it", and even though they're Jewish, they tap into the same base of fear, lack of education, and alternative reality that makes it easy to fleece the gullible and convince them that their way of life is somehow under attack.
Scary, isn't it? Better build that bunker and start prepping.