listen up UPS, Teamster we are people!!!


Well-Known Member
I like this idea. I could have several threads, each one patterned to a region of the country.

BTW, although it may be anatomically impossible, I would really like you to try the suggestion that I left in your rep inbox. Dave.
You would probably know better than me as to how to do that, do you use your left hand or right hand or do you alternate?????


Well-Known Member
When I was 20 I suffered a laceration on my arm that cut half way through 2 tendons and required surgery(happened on personal time). If not for my part time benefits I'd be paying 12000 for my bill. Flip style doesn't realize just how good it is to have benefits.


Well-Known Member
You people act likd our benefits are the best. They hire young healthy pters.

They are some of the best. The Best part is they are free 99% of the companies out there only pay a portion of the premium and the employee pick of the rest in WEEKLY deductions which would be well above any union dues you pay...

Ask your coworkers who have kids about the health care. A lot of the PT are there just for benefits and don't want to go FT.....

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
People @ my full time job are paying $600+ a month for benefits to cover their families .Thanks to the IBT I don't pay. My 17 1/2 to 20 Hrs with benefits a week got me through some tough times when older ones were in college.


Well-Known Member
When I was 20 I suffered a laceration on my arm that cut half way through 2 tendons and required surgery(happened on personal time). If not for my part time benefits I'd be paying 12000 for my bill. Flip style doesn't realize just how good it is to have benefits.

When did I say I don't realize? You people need to learn how to read, so what happens if I bust my knee outside of work before the year. Tough sh-t. I can't work and no days of since I haven't been there a year and I will end up paying so who wins? UPS couldn't care less I have no personal or sick days I can use.


Well-Known Member
Got to wait a whole damn year for it but if and once I get it hell yah I will milk it for every penny I could since I get paid like crap

You have to wait a year because in the past it was 4 months and people would work until they got there Health insurance than have a major medical problem taken care of than right after quit. The people that work a year are more likely to stay and not be leeches...


Well-Known Member
You have to wait a year because in the past it was 4 months and people would work until they got there Health insurance than have a major medical problem taken care of than right after quit. The people that work a year are more likely to stay and not be leeches...

I'll be a leech anyways to make up for the pay.

frivolous petty small.

Well-Known Member
This union needs more people who are outspoken and willing to raise a little hell. Keep your cool at your hub, make probation, then start getting the other PTers on your belt to go to meetings. Then us as Part timers can start to have a voice.


Well-Known Member
You don't get it and never will... We can only explain simple things to you so many ways. My 6 yr old in first grade has a better understand of things than you.

You applied for a $8.50 hr job, UPS didn't go to your MOMs house and take you to the HUB in hand cuffs. Your filled out a online application online, went to a interview and or walk through was told the going rate and shown what you would be doing then someone ask if your still interested and you said YES... Now 3 weeks later your complaining that $8.50 hr isn't enough for the work that your doing. You can bitch and complain all you want nothing is going change your not going to get a big raise anytime soon. Even if they do raise the PT starting rate it won't effect you you will be grandfathered into the current contract and receive the step raises for the first 4 years of your employment based on the on this contract.


Well-Known Member
This union needs more people who are outspoken and willing to raise a little hell. Keep your cool at your hub, make probation, then start getting the other PTers on your belt to go to meetings. Then us as Part timers can start to have a voice.

Have you ever been to a UNION meeting ??? Go once and see how money people show up... Then see how many are PTimers... You probably can count them on half a hand and half of them will be stewards. Most PT are working for the Benefits or a little extra cash they have another FT job or are going to college. Going to a union meeting on the weekend isn't even a consideration to them even if met getting a raise.


Well-Known Member
flipstyle9, I am a part time. I've been with UPS for just over a year. I'm going to agree with everyone else: gtfo.

You know that people pay money to go to the gym? You get paid to work out every day.

If you are serious about working at UPS, suffer through the mess until you get seniority. Then, follow the methods as best you can. You need to make sure your work area is safe. Don't expect somebody else to care about that.

If you want more hours, inquire about working the twilight shift. Come November/December, you may also have the opportunity to help drivers.

frivolous petty small.

Well-Known Member
Have you ever been to a UNION meeting ??? Go once and see how money people show up... Then see how many are PTimers... You probably can count them on half a hand and half of them will be stewards. Most PT are working for the Benefits or a little extra cash they have another FT job or are going to college. Going to a union meeting on the weekend isn't even a consideration to them even if met getting a raise.[/QUOTE]

I go every chance I get. Yes, attendance is dissapointing. Our proposal meeting had a whole 8 people show up. I go as far as to offer rides to anyone who wants to go.


Well-Known Member
I have worked much harder jobs than preload for much less money. Quit your friend*ckin' whining.
ahh yes thats right speak to him from your mountain top,i mean after all your a PACKAGE CAR is a part time job and they should not make what a full time person makes in total yearly salary but the gap in hourly pay has grown to insane preporations.p/t hub or preload starts at 8.5 the same pay as when i started 14 years ago,the minimum wage then was like 5.75 at that time, in my state its like 7.70 that means ups p/t only start at .80 cents above minimum,thats crazy.friend/t p/c driver at top rate $32/hr,p/t inside guy starts at $8.50/hr thats almost 4 times what the p/t guy makes.upstate have you ever worked inside the hub or were you just handed your friend/t p/c job like a lot of other guys in the 80's.if you were hired off the street than you have no idea what its like to chase the carrot at ups and break your back in the building for crap money and no p/c drivers think your the only ones who work hard at ups and you woundnt last a week inside,i see it all the time p/c driver takes combo job cause he thinks its a free lunch in here and then pass's on the job cause he cant handle fulltimers we should all be a little more concerned with p/t wages and treatment because as people like upstate laff at it ups is slowly backdooring the union out of here through the quality of p/t contract.


Well-Known Member
22.34, did you really just try to show the pay gap between p/t and friend/t by showing the starting rate for a part timer and the top rate for a full timer? Don't you think that is a little bit silly?

Flipstyle, My husband worked part time for 5.5 years before finally going full time. During that time he went from being a seasonal hire, being asked to stay on because he busted his ass, worked his way though everything inside, became the union steward for the part timers, worked split shifts more times than I can count, did his time as a Saturday driver and a peak driver, all before finally getting to go full time. During his part time years, his pay increased many times and our entire family had damn good health care coverage that most part time employees would have given their left arm for. And ya know what he did when it wasn't enough to pay the bills? He got a second job because honestly, who expects to be able to pay all their bills while working 3-4 hours a day? If you honestly think that you should be making above poverty level while working 3-4 hours a day, you are seriously deluded! Starting out at $8.50 an hour for a job that requires no special education is pretty damn good, especially when you factor in the regular pay increases and the fact that there are other ways that you can get increases through the company, such as becoming hazmat certified. It isn't the fault of the full timers that you want to work less than half a work day and make enough to pay the bills. Package car drivers, for the record, bust their asses all day long. If you think they don't earn the pay they make, you are sorely mistaken. How many times, while working at your feeders, have you had a dog charge you out of nowhere and had it clamp down on your leg, digging its teeth into your flesh? How many times have you had a wild boar chase your ass for a 1/4 of a mile while working your part time job? Yes, part timers work hard, but that doesn't mean that the full timers don't work just as hard, sometimes under more hazardous conditions than you will likely ever experience in the safety of your warehouse. So please, stop putting down one group just to make your group seem more important. Most of those full timers were at one time right where you are now.