An E mail I rec'd from the We need a change in Local 177 people oh come on..
Well the dirty politics have begun
Yes they are taking it personal
If there is not an election this year there will not be an election in over 9 years next time this comes about again
Are you Happy?
3 Guys Retiring this year That means if there is no election only 4 members of this Executive Board were actually Elected by the Voting Process
Are you happy with the appointments they have made????
4 Months till nominations
Now is the time to get involved
Lets not play dirty like them
Lets Come up with the key people to help this Union
This is not a Dictatorship
Pass this email around
Ask Questions Get Informed
Be Proud to be a TEAMSTER
Call the Hall Make Sure your Address is up to date So you can Vote in October
How can there be dirty politics? NO one has stood up and said squat or gave reason's for wanting to vote or have an election?
You just keep sending propaganda out. To e mails i have to add again that were stolen from facebook and who know's what eles. You keep saying local 177 is dirty, Yet OMG I can't count how many times I have asked in this form for you to give some reasons, Answers. You have to know if there was someone dirty in 177 in any way shape or form, If we knew the Local it self would throw them out even call the police or whomever would deal with someone who is dirty in a union. Dirty politics cos someone asked you at the GM if you were running? I have not seen anything dirty. You say that picture or joke about Obama was not on your fb site. That someone stole your Id I would guess and plant it there. OH please... If we need an election to fill vacant spots that is one thing. One to fill your head we don't need. It's not nice to make a lady beg....TELL ME WHAT YOUR PLATFORM IS! Dirty politics give me a break. First off if you want to do a election it's gonna be wild no one goes down without a fight and you got to realize that.. Have you not lived in America to see that. Politics are Politics.. Get over the he said she said stuff. Now you done it. I ruined my nails before they dried. Now i am mad. You should not have gotten me mad you won't like me when I am mad. heheeee...

oh good likeness.....walks away to get nail polish remover and to start all over again phewww.