As far as attending union meetings, we have some members who work on Sundays, (the days meetings are held), our local extends from Trenton, NJ to New Windsor, NY. According to mapquest it's about an hour and a half trip from New Windor to Hillside, to go to a meeting that last about an hour. I did not go to the Sep 12th meeting, but have gone to previous ones, little was discussed in previous meetings about on going greivances (and there are a lot). I suppose it's because the whole day would be taken up by it, but I feel it would be nice to be aware of some of these matters.
Yes, I've heard the arguement that, "They don't apply to you." and other things like that, but I think if members were aware of some of the issues being grieved that there may be more grievances. Would the arbitrator rule differently if there were 2 grievances over an issue or 22?
I just feel a little more openess would be a good thing. Maybe not email to business agents, but maybe some more info on the unions website. I'm only aware of the national grievances from the schedule available thru the TDU website. As far as local grievances there is no info at all.