The job was taken down from the board, and re-posted as Part-time AND full-time can bid on this job.
It is not a seasonal cover position, at least to my knowledge. The job existed (as I said earlier in the thread) on Feb 2008 bids and was likely eliminated this spring due to lack of volume.
Seeing the job was previously existing, it couldn't be that it was only bid on by part-timers because only brand-newly created jobs are eligible for part-timers only in Local 25.
Anyhow, we'll see what shakes down. I'm concerned that the job will be laid off after peak , so I wonder if I'd be able to go back to 22.3 after peak if I do get the job, or what would happen. Since it's not an extension of the annual bid, I believe that the highest seniority would not be FORCED into the job but would be offered.