Also her in NJ a couple of years back GPU went on strike, they where out for months, cameback with WAY less than what was offered, some advice here, they where offered to extend their current contract..they turned that down to. they lost big time
Recently I think it is Chrysler who just settled a NICE contract for its members, well what do you know they announced layoff's this week and it is alot.
Brothers and sisters please take note! Does anyone remember the strike year? Ups made us a rediculous contract offer which would have eventually turned us all into part-timers. Then came back with a final offer which was also terrible. The company lost their ass because the country was behind us as well as the politicians and the media. Remember the phrase "Divide and conquer" The company tries this every contract. In previous contracts they would offer a signing bonus to persuade us to accept a lousy contract. Well this might be great for the part time employee who may not be with us next year. The rest of us will have to live with the vote we make for the next 5 years. The language in this present contract offer is terrible. The union sold us out and if you read what some of the management bloggers are saying, you should be able to see that they are both in bed. Think about what everyone wants!! The union wants money!!! As much as they can get!!! Management is holding the many millions of stocks that they got off our backs as bonuses. Remember that now, UPS stock is publicly traded and if there was to be a strike or a long drawn out negotiation then that stock would devalue rather quickly. I own stock that I purchased with my hard worked dollars and I don't want to see it lose in value however I'm not gonna sell my soul for this lousy offer. The reason that the company wanted to start negotiations at such an early timeframe was to protect the company stock. The closer we get to contract expiration, the more impact it will have on the stock. I encouage all of you to decline this offer and you will not regret it! The company will renegotiate and make another offer! They have no choice!!!! The union must realize that we are tired of being overworked and they must readdress the language in the many articles which deal with working conditions.