Well-Known Member
Re: Local 705 out of Chicago negotiates their own contract and its better than yours
Appreciate the response Saw and I will agree that I'm impressed with both Van and Danny but I've had chances to directly communicate with Van some time back and was very impressed with not only his ideas but his straight forwardness on a variety of areas. His total honesty to give me straight answers rather than what I would like to hear I found very refreshing. I also saw firsthand some of the APWA cheerleaders saying things about their pension plan that was not true. Example was the idea of taking the last 2 years of raises on the current contract to buy us out of CS and move our assets to APWA and then we'd all get the big gravy payouts. As much as I wanted to he Van say that was true he informed me that was not the case in any way and that at the time he knew of know way to make that happen. What I would get in the future from APWA would only be based on years of service under their plan and that on retirement I get 2 checks, one from CS and one form APWA for whatever service level I met. I did like the fact that APWA had no problem whatsoever of my working elsewhere at whatever I choose to do. That is an issue we should push and pressure the union like hell to change, with no excuses or exceptions. Sadly, I don't even see the IBT Rah-Rahers even giving cause to parading that issue. To much coolaid maybe?
As to the Rah-Rah types, that goes both ways but to the point of defending the union and the "we are all one" blah, blah.... I think it very fair and obvious to say that if it was decided by the IBT leadership under the banner of "all for one and one for all" that they decided to take some of these good performing funds like 705's and reallocate some of their assets to CS and thus reduce their own payouts that you'd see that "collectivism" fly out the window so fast it'd make your head spin. Does the witching hour of next years federal legislation make that potential possible? Don't know and wouldn't think so but how many times have we thought something impossible with this union only to learn otherwise. Never say Never!
Sure, it may be easy for us to entertain cutting and running for the IBT because of circumstances but at the same time they should at least be honest enough to admit they like the status quo because their bed if feathered. Reverse the roles however and I'd venture to say we be laying out different arguments as well on our part so there you go!
Love it or hate it, APWA IMO is making the IBT feel some heat if not any other place than in the arena of ideas and public opinion and for that I'm grateful! Keep up the fight and the pressure but never, ever BS just to win the day. Tell it straight and true because the first order of winning someone over is to gain their trust and the only way to maintain that for the longhaul is to always tell it like it is whether it hurts or not. They may not like the answer but if they know they can take the info to the bank it sure makes the difference in the longrun.
Good luck with the cause!
You make a lot of good points here, although I see many in a different light.
Rest assured that there is no smoke screen being thrown here. The same person under different name theory is a teamster ploy at best. As far as supporting the Apwa, I don't think that many of the nay sayers have taken the time to talk to the leaders of the APWA. I say this, because of my personal experience with them. I listened to them, asked questions and they showed me facts and figures that they could back up. Granted many of these things are theories that could be if the APWA became our BA, but they have a very impressive road map as to how they plan to pull this off. I could tell that this was something that was planned out very carefully, with much long hard work behind it.
I will continue to support there cause, although I agree that there are other stratagies that could have been used and possible been more effective on a different scale to start out. But my opinion of them and there efforts has not changed.
On another note, I think that you missed my point somewhat.
While I aplaud there efforts and success in what they have do in the 705 & 710.
There RAH! RAH! support the teamsters and build a stronger union cries, do not hold water, when they have already done the exact opposite of what they preach, when they broke away and did there own thing, and then to jump on others who want to do the same thing, only in a different way.
Well, that is very hypocritical, IMHO.
Appreciate the response Saw and I will agree that I'm impressed with both Van and Danny but I've had chances to directly communicate with Van some time back and was very impressed with not only his ideas but his straight forwardness on a variety of areas. His total honesty to give me straight answers rather than what I would like to hear I found very refreshing. I also saw firsthand some of the APWA cheerleaders saying things about their pension plan that was not true. Example was the idea of taking the last 2 years of raises on the current contract to buy us out of CS and move our assets to APWA and then we'd all get the big gravy payouts. As much as I wanted to he Van say that was true he informed me that was not the case in any way and that at the time he knew of know way to make that happen. What I would get in the future from APWA would only be based on years of service under their plan and that on retirement I get 2 checks, one from CS and one form APWA for whatever service level I met. I did like the fact that APWA had no problem whatsoever of my working elsewhere at whatever I choose to do. That is an issue we should push and pressure the union like hell to change, with no excuses or exceptions. Sadly, I don't even see the IBT Rah-Rahers even giving cause to parading that issue. To much coolaid maybe?
As to the Rah-Rah types, that goes both ways but to the point of defending the union and the "we are all one" blah, blah.... I think it very fair and obvious to say that if it was decided by the IBT leadership under the banner of "all for one and one for all" that they decided to take some of these good performing funds like 705's and reallocate some of their assets to CS and thus reduce their own payouts that you'd see that "collectivism" fly out the window so fast it'd make your head spin. Does the witching hour of next years federal legislation make that potential possible? Don't know and wouldn't think so but how many times have we thought something impossible with this union only to learn otherwise. Never say Never!
Sure, it may be easy for us to entertain cutting and running for the IBT because of circumstances but at the same time they should at least be honest enough to admit they like the status quo because their bed if feathered. Reverse the roles however and I'd venture to say we be laying out different arguments as well on our part so there you go!
Love it or hate it, APWA IMO is making the IBT feel some heat if not any other place than in the arena of ideas and public opinion and for that I'm grateful! Keep up the fight and the pressure but never, ever BS just to win the day. Tell it straight and true because the first order of winning someone over is to gain their trust and the only way to maintain that for the longhaul is to always tell it like it is whether it hurts or not. They may not like the answer but if they know they can take the info to the bank it sure makes the difference in the longrun.
Good luck with the cause!