I think you missed my point. There is a local 804 agitator thread that is years old, as well as many others. It shows a well documented pattern of disarray. Whenever I listen to that show, they are always bitching about how bad it is. Stewards getting walked out everywhere. That was going on before when Tim and Liam were in charge.
See I'm in a full functioning local where none of this stuff happens. We have strong, smart , and seasoned with multiple term business agents that don't put up with the stuff that they have advertised for years. It's a circus.
Now to be honest I have inside information on local 804, as I have friends on the E board and general members. I'm also friends with several BA's in local 396 as well as members. They don't have those issues like local 804. By the way I was at the unity conference and I Never saw anything, or heard anything you are talking about. If RA wants to do a radio show God bless him. I can assure it won't sound like the blithering idiots on local 804 radio.