I agree. It a show without an agenda. The 804 Radio reeks of bias.
They both have a bias, how can they not???
.....much as there are bias present when watching CNN verses FOX News.
My only point is that the "What The Heck Show" is live, with call-ins encouraged.
It's much harder to preserve an agenda when speaking with unknown commodities.
Last night, they spent a good deal of time speaking with a guy named Bill who called in and wasn't on the same page as them.
They made no attempt to squelch him or limit his speech, while being respectful to his assertions and giving him all the time he wanted to speak.
Say what you will, but a live call-in show blows the doors off of a podcast, as a medium for diverse ideals.
I also like how they have a chat board active during the show for those who don't wish to call in.
The hosts do a good job of acknowledging these comments, which helps the audience shape the show's content.
I think these guys are on to something here.