Well-Known Member
As much as you all go on about Pro Union-If you were a part timer just starting out trying to pay bills and make some sort of money in this horrid economy and did not have the bias about the company you do now-would you join the Union if you had a choice. You will probably say you would but I guarantee you most of you would not. Not only is it expensive, but
I totally agree with this quote. I see it on a daily basis. People who only work enough days to keep their benefits, lazy employees that don't do more than 150 PPH and know you can't do anything about it. It also gives the people who have been there forever the false assumption that they don't have to do their job because they can just be backed by the Union. I love that I am in a RTW state, if I had to join the Union I probably would not work here. That's my choice, deal with it.
I really hate this generalization. There are bad apples at every job. But I think they are fewer and far between here at UPS. Some how, day and night, the majority of people here are busting ass, and getting the job done. And as for lazy, slow, unmotivated workers, that falls on management. They are all about retention numbers. I assume it's part of their bonus. If they really wanted these people gone, it could happen. But typically they are too lazy file the paper work.