Pees in the brown Koolaid
I remember when IE came up with the bright idea of bike helpers on my route.Can't wait to see some poor guy peddling around with a full bedroom set and mattress. Gonna be some sore calves.
By the time I had hooked up and dropped off his pup trailer, went through his load to deliver the irregs that couldn’t be delivered on a bike and then drove back there to retrieve the trailer at the end of the day, he was costing me more time and miles than he saved me.
And that was when everything went as planned and the bike didnt get a flat tire or we didnt get 4” of snow.
The final year of the program, IE shoved a quota down our throats and forced us to use a predetermined number of bike helpers.
So in my area we just parked the bike (which had a flat tire and a busted brake cable anyway) used the bike helper as a conventional on-car helper, and coded his time card to make it look like he was still riding the bike.
We got the work done, and IE got the make-believe metric they were chasing for their report. Win/win.