Good point. There are some potential interesting questions that I.D. could pose from the standpoint of science and push the discussion forward but I wonder for most how long before the faith side would jump in? To be fair, in a discussion with I.D. where you might have a Richard Dawkins or a Sam Harris involved, how long before the temptation for them to jump their own tracks to make the no god argument a part of the discussion? I don't think Darwin saw the idea of evolution as necessary to advance a non deity argument nor the need to kill god in order to make evolution work.
As to the term theory being used, I see the word as suggesting a growing school of thought. You mentioned dark matter and yes dark matter I would see as part of gravitational theory and yet what we know about dark matter is far from settled but no one doubts gravitational theory as fact. Island makes the claim about separation of church and state and in this case I would not make that argument. If one could keep ID in a purely scientific framework, it's questions might prove fruitful in a search for origins but as we just saw here, how long before faith would become the motivating force in the discussion? ID can have a place even in the public school education but if faith is a part of that discussion, as education it would fall in the realm of philosophy or historical review but it would need to be one of many taught. The creation POV would need to be taught along side the Enuma Elish, the 3rd millenia BCE Egyptian creation story as well as others from other cultures and belief systems. If it's going to be science, then evidence, testing and testing along with peer review will be necessary.
Seems funny IMO that both Island and MFE coming from opposites on this also seem to accept the same falsehood in regards to teaching ID in college. Island from the position of a conspiracy against Jesus and MFE because it violates the church/state thingy. I guess MFE also never looked at the public colleges that offer degrees in religious studies, theology and yes even divinity. Hope they don't get caught by the ACLU. OMG!
I do believe what I'm about to suggest can be done but can christians as a whole, especially literalists do this? Here you go.
If we throw Darwin's Origins of Species aside, does evolution still hold up? Yes IMO it does because so much research, evidence, testing and retesting with peer review already let's evolution stand. Now here's the hard part so to speak, remove the bible completely from the equation and I mean completely from ID. You have no Genesis story to stand on so is there any evidence to stand on to make the case for an intelligent design and a higher power as the source of creation? I think you can make an argument and in your case bbsam, I'm thinking you might be able too as well. However can our intrepid christians in Tourist and Island willing to throw the bible creation story aside completely, ignore it as though it doesn't exist and then argue the case for intelligent design? If not, then the whole point is to advance a specific religious belief and not about a search for higher order truth IMO.
I would also ask, does ID require a young earth or literal 6k earth or is there latitude for the idea of a far older earth?