Always love hearing those who don't believe in God judging others. While Muslims consider Jesus a great prophet they consider it sacrilege to consider him the Son of God. His message was of peace and love. Muhammad's message was of submission and dominance of unbelievers. Educate yourself on the history of Islam. It's an eye opener. And we can do plenty for Muslims in their own lands. We don't have to bring them in large numbers to this one. Everywhere, and I mean literally everywhere, that that has been tried has resulted in cultural conflict and often terrorism. For the life of me I can't understand why the American Left wants that here except that they see them as a possible source of votes.I swear you are just the embodiment of Christ, every post is like reading the New Testament.
Always love hearing those who don't believe in God judging others. While Muslims consider Jesus a great prophet they consider it sacrilege to consider him the Son of God. His message was of peace and love. Muhammad's message was of submission and dominance of unbelievers. Educate yourself on the history of Islam. It's an eye opener. And we can do plenty for Muslims in their own lands. We don't have to bring them in large numbers to this one. Everywhere, and I mean literally everywhere, that that has been tried has resulted in cultural conflict and often terrorism. For the life of me I can't understand why the American Left wants that here except that they see them as a possible source of votes.
Yes, we're so much better off letting the baby killers and butt run wild.
Believe whatever nonsense you want to, keep it out of public policy. The joke was Republican Jesus, as in a wild mischaracterization of the real thing. Bunch of bible thumpers endorsing a child molester and attacking his victims. Praise be!Thanks for the beer ITBF, now if you can conjure up a response, lets finish what we started. On the diversity topic, I don't give a rats about talking about your attempt at comedy.
I can without fear of being finally proven wrong that you have never spoken to a righteous person. You speak of nothing you know of. I'm sure you will dodge this also.By lack of faith in your imaginary friend means I can't judge you for clear hypocrisy in your claim to being a Christian? I've known plenty of righteous Christian men, they would never speak like you do.
Grew up in Catholic school. The specific man I'm thinking of was father to 10 children. His wake was about a year ago, I had to wait in line for 2 hours to get to the guest book, another hour to offer my condolences. Knew him well, he would never utter a bad word about anyone.I can without fear of being finally proven wrong that you have never spoken to a righteous person. You speak of nothing you know of. I'm sure you will dodge this also.
No such thing as a republican Jesus, use the savior as a prop for a joke, hey, some think you're a funny guy for that.Believe whatever nonsense you want to, keep it out of public policy. The joke was Republican Jesus, as in a wild mischaracterization of the real thing. Bunch of bible thumpers endorsing a child molester and attacking his victims. Praise be!
And if you look at the apostles you'll see that they were all very human. No one is perfect except Jesus. But if I offended you by my statements I apologize. I believe strongly that both I and you will give an accounting some day before God for how we lived. I also feel strongly that as a Christian I have to stand up against what the Bible says is sinful behavior. I don't want a country where people openly engage in what was kept behind closed doors. It's a free country, and if the majority rules so be it. But I have a right to disagree which is the crux of the matter. You want my right to voice my belief suppressed if it conflicts with yours.By lack of faith in your imaginary friend means I can't judge you for clear hypocrisy in your claim to being a Christian? I've known plenty of righteous Christian men, they would never speak like you do.
Still not a righteous man, I do offer my sympathy and condolences to you and the family for the loss you still feel. How old are the children, are the later children still at home or grown? I'm sorry for your loss of a friend.Grew up in Catholic school. The specific man I'm thinking of was father to 10 children. His wake was about a year ago, I had to wait in line for 2 hours to get to the guest book, another hour to offer my condolences. Knew him well, he would never utter a bad word about anyone.
Where did you get that? You have the right to voice stupid beliefs all you want to. I have the right to mock them as superstitious nonsense. You don't have the right to impose your nonsense on the rest of us through legislation. Jailing gays and banning Muslims are not American ideals. That's what Roy Moore stand for.You want my right to voice my belief suppresed if it conflicts with yours.
My friend was the youngest so they are all well grown. He was a school teacher and did more to spread good will and kindness than anyone I'll ever know. One of the kids was a lesbian, another had a kid while in her teens, they were all still welcome in the house. I judge everyone that claims to be a Christian against him and have found them all lacking.Still not a righteous man, I do offer my sympathy and condolences to you and the family for the loss you still feel. How old are the children, are the later children still at home or grown? I'm sorry for your loss of a friend.
In correct to all you stated.Where did you get that? You have the right to voice stupid beliefs all you want to. I have the right to mock them as superstitious nonsense. You don't have the right to impose your nonsense on the rest of us through legislation. Jailing gays and banning Muslims are not American ideals. That's what Roy Moore stand for.
So who is jailing gays or banning Muslims? Do gays not openly march in parades? Do Muslims not worship in mosques? We should have the right to refuse service to gays if we choose to if that service is something that violates our conscience. The bakery that refused to make a wedding cake would've been happy to sell that couple any item in their store, but didn't want to participate in a gay wedding by making a specific cake celebrating that marriage which was against their beliefs. By insisting that they violate their beliefs you are in effect suppressing their views. And we have Muslims in this country that no one is saying to boot out or ban. We ask, as Americans, that people of all beliefs practice their faith in peaceful coexistence with those of other beliefs. No matter the group they have the right to do so as long as they aren't hurting anyone. That doesn't mean we should bring in hundreds of thousands, millions according to some, of those with very different cultural values who believe that only their religion is valid and must work towards it's eventual domination. If you don't think that's the case with these folks then go to their country and advocate atheism. Let's see how far you get. I suspect some of the motive on the Left is a hatred of Christianity and wanting to poke at us by bringing in Muslims.Where did you get that? You have the right to voice stupid beliefs all you want to. I have the right to mock them as superstitious nonsense. You don't have the right to impose your nonsense on the rest of us through legislation. Jailing gays and banning Muslims are not American ideals. That's what Roy Moore stand for.
The current Supreme Court case for starters.Where did you get that? You have the right to voice stupid beliefs all you want to. I have the right to mock them as superstitious nonsense. You don't have the right to impose your nonsense on the rest of us through legislation. Jailing gays and banning Muslims are not American ideals. That's what Roy Moore stand for.
Do what you will, measure how you will, Your measurement and God's aren't the same. If one happened to be a white supremacist, KKK Nazi and the father still welcomed them in the house would you think the same of the deceased?My friend was the youngest so they are all well grown. He was a school teacher and did more to spread good will and kindness than anyone I'll ever know. One of the kids was a lesbian, another had a kid while in her teens, they were all still welcome in the house. I judge everyone that claims to be a Christian against him and have found them all lacking.
OMG, no one cares.
Everyone, just STFU.
You're correct, we don't care what anyone else thinks, you included... Please take your ball and go home. It works like that.OMG, no one cares.
Everyone, just STFU.
How's that?
What's it going to take for y'all to feel better?
Please, take your ball and go home.
No one really cares what anyone else thinks, everyone is trying to make their own point to score a win.
You're correct, we don't care what anyone else thinks, you included... Please take your ball and go home. It works like that.
You're correct, we don't care what anyone else thinks, you included... Please take your ball and go home. It works like that.
I'll go home once you address my grievances.