That works but still not gonna do it. My job is to attempt delivery by the commitment time 1030,1500,1630 etc. I will make every effort within reason to make that happen. It is the recipients job to have house numbers, have the gate open or be home to open the gate, put the dog up, answer the door and make sure the shipper had the correct address to put on the package. If the shipper still put the wrong address on or the recipient did not do all of the above, I can't do anything within policy to deliver that package except let dispatch handle it. We had 2 couriers terminated in the last few years for actually signing the powerpad for resi deliveries because they were DSR. They both told me they did it because they "KNEW" the customer needed that package and were not home. If the customer needed that package so bad, they should have been home. Instead, 2 people got fired for being idiots.