Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam


Inordinately Right
Yet you defend Obama when he is clearly a mess. Now thats hilarious.
When did I defend Obama?
You made the comment comparing Reagan and Obama, I merely pointed out that Reagan was a joke. You take this as defending Obama, because you live in a two party world. I do not.

I'm still waiting for that video of Reagan's response to the US Navy's murder of 290 people on Iran Air flight 655....


Well-Known Member
Yet you defend Obama when he is clearly a mess. Now thats hilarious.

He did respond shortly after. Where were you when he did? Living in a cave in the Outback? Man you are a trip and a half.
Apparently you think 7 min is a short time when we are being attacked. Maybe if someone were to attack your family you would simply watch for 7 min before you did something. Not the way I operate bro.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Apparently you think 7 min is a short time when we are being attacked. Maybe if someone were to attack your family you would simply watch for 7 min before you did something. Not the way I operate bro.
At least he didn't start campaigning and joking around after that seven minutes. And if I remember correctly we ended up kicking some Taliban and Al-qaeda tail shortly after. Obama is nothing more than a Saul Saul Alinsky with commercial appeal.


Well-Known Member
At least he didn't start campaigning and joking around after that seven minutes. And if I remember correctly we ended up kicking some Taliban and Al-qaeda tail shortly after. Obama is nothing more than a Saul Saul Alinsky with commercial appeal.
Bush couldn't( wouldn't ) find the world's most wanted man for 7 years. " Mission Accomplished ". What a :censored2: joke Bush was.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Bush couldn't( wouldn't ) find the world's most wanted man for 7 years.
Did Obama give different orders to the U.S. Military and Intelligence Agencies about finding Bin Laden than G. W. Bush?
Because if that is the case you are so correct.
If that is not the case, then you don't know what the friend you are talking about.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
At least he didn't start campaigning and joking around after that seven minutes. And if I remember correctly we ended up kicking some Taliban and Al-qaeda tail shortly after. Obama is nothing more than a Saul Saul Alinsky with commercial appeal.

Ya, what was the promise??

oh yeah, "SHOCK AND AWE" will make all the terrorists think twice about acts of terrorism.

How did that work out for us??

3 trillion dollars, our economy wrecked, 11 million jobs lost, over 10,000 total service people killed, I guess, in your world thats an ash kicking, eh?, shock and awe, montage video&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=6B2865C66D24C972EA356B2865C66D24C972EA35

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Another successful brainwashing by mark levin.

All you got? Really weak.
Ya, what was the promise??

oh yeah, "SHOCK AND AWE" will make all the terrorists think twice about acts of terrorism.

How did that work out for us??

3 trillion dollars, our economy wrecked, 11 million jobs lost, over 10,000 total service people killed, I guess, in your world thats an ash kicking, eh?, shock and awe, montage video&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=6B2865C66D24C972EA356B2865C66D24C972EA35

Shock and Awe worked. The country was pretty much pacified. Rebuilding had started then Obama comes in and pulls our troops out before we were finished with the job.
And as for those 10,000 service people killed. You do know they volunteered to serve. You would know nothing about sacrificing yourself for your country. I served, and I can tell you a lot of my fellow soldiers were wanting the opportunity to go to war.
I love it how the people on here that hate our country and our military might the most, are constantly attacking the fact that we lost soldiers in these wars.
And on top of that, only blame 1 person for ALL the military deaths that have happened under 2 presidents.
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All you got? Really weak.

Shock and Awe worked. The country was pretty much pacified. Rebuilding had started then Obama comes in and pulls our troops out before we were finished with the job.
And as for those 10,000 service people killed. You do know they volunteered to serve. You would know nothing about sacrificing yourself for your country. I served, and I can tell you a lot of my fellow soldiers were wanting the opportunity to go to war.
I love it how the people on here that hate our country and our military might the most, are constantly attacking the fact that we lost soldiers in these wars.
And on top of that, only blame 1 person for ALL the military deaths that have happened under 2 presidents.

Obama came in and pulled them out?

"The Bush Administration later sought an agreement with the Iraqi government, and in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[12][13][14] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement"


nowhere special
Obama came in and pulled them out?

"The Bush Administration later sought an agreement with the Iraqi government, and in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[12][13][14] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement"

Bush tried to get that agreement but then Obama never got it finalized and pulled out US troops (mostly shifted over to Afghanistan) anyway.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Someone was reporting Putin's plane flew in the same area, around the same time and that his plane looks similar from the ground as the Malaysia someone was trying to assassinate him. Lots of speculation flying .
Who said anything about dropping bombs? And you have the audacity to call anyone an idiot? LOL! And harpooning Obama is easy. I mean what kind of President barely mentions this and then immediately goes back into campaign mode? Especially when there might have been Americans on board the plane? He is a utter failure.

It's so sad that you, and liberals in general, can't see the fallacy in Obama's ways without desperately digging in the liberal "way back win bin" for ammo to defend such a failure of a "President." As if any of it erases the fact that he is an embarrassment.
In the same way that Bush and Cheney are responsible for failing to stop the 911 attack on the towers?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
There was no existing agreement. Bush tried to get one settled but there were still issues unresolved when he left office and Iraq never did sign it.
"Facts are stupid things." Today's GOPTP thinks that facts are just opinions, and everybody gets to have their own.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
When he pulled them out in COMPLIANCE with the existing agreement?
Because he failed to negotiate a new agreement to keep our troops there.
This is easy stuff. You shouldn't be having so much difficulty understanding this.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I like rereading these threads once I realize that liberals have derailed them or turned them into sour grapes. Why? Because it just reaffirms just how much liberalism is a mental disorder. Sometimes I think they should all be rounded up and as they are being deported I get to piss on the smoldering heap that used to be their passports. :funny: