Management Dental Insurance


Nine Lives
Made my first visit to the dentist today as a retiree.
There are some major changes from employee coverage to retiree coverage.
​Preventive maintenance is still 100% 2 times a year
Maximum insurance per year is $1000 down from $2500.
Dental medical - 50% copay up from 20%.
There were others but this is what I remember.

Luckily, I have not had a cavity since I was 19 so my visit today was covered 100%.
My wife has pretty teeth but problems with them even though she takes really, really good care of them.
She usually goes $2000 over each year when the max was $2500 ... now I need to budget for $3500 out of pocket.

Not a major deal and the first major snag I "learned" while in retirement.
Just something to be aware of if you are planning for retirement.