First off, my wife works for the VA and one of the 2 main hospital “companies” in a major Florida city. You said they are so overwhelmed, yet elective surgeries are back on. From her dealings in the hospital and what she hears from the doctors with whom she works with in the OR, overrun is not the case. She works at about 5 hospitals within the “group”
Let me explain this simple fact.
there are 2 types of covid icu cases.
You have people in icu to be segregated from the rest of the hospital patients
than you have people in icu needing icu levels of medical treatment due to covid
DeSantis said, let’s stop classifying people in the icu WITH covid, and let’s start only counting people in the icu who are primarily in there due to COVID and need icu levels of care due to covid.
thats a bad thing?
and why are People always making this about trump. Who gives a

about trump. We are trying to conversation about actual stats and data, yet once again trump gets brought back up because of the amount of seethe. Why does everybody have to make this political, you know why, because the media got to you.