In your little fantasy world people rise up with automatic weapons and kill everyone who opposes their way of thinking. At the very least throw bricks at cops. In the mature world people debate positions and vote on it, realizing that the vote is influenced by those with money. We can either deal with it by getting enough votes, or we can descend into your world of anarchy. Most people don't want your world.
my world is not a fantasy its reality.
for example in montreal they tried jacking up the tuition on students, but the students were well organized and the whole city peacefully marched through the streets, got rid of teh govt and stopped increased student debt.
its called non violent civil disobedience something which YOUR fantasy world likes to pretend is only violent.
you have womens rights. anti war. civil rights to name a few in american history. workers rights.
not about voting and praying the politician will listen to you.