The managers have gloves, sanitizer and masks. We have nothing but filthy bathrooms and sometimes industrial grade paper towels. We’re also not allowed in their offices anymore. They had a new policy of putting the diads and call tags in the trucks and just sending us on our way, that lasted one day. They don’t even have the doors propped open.
Just leave the diads punched out in the truck at the EOD einstein?Why would you want to go in the office anyway? Best case scenario is get in the truck and leave.
The reason I won't file anything to In OSHA is because OSHA dismissed the fine to Amazon because they were potentially going to open a new warehouse in our state. The current govenor convinced OSHA to get rid of the $28,000 fine for an Amazon worker dying in Sept. 2017. He was crushed by a forklift. All of the safety violations were deleted and no action against Amazon was taken. (The warehouse was not built here after all). So, you cannot trust OSHA or the cuttent govenor. Want more info: Associated Press article published Nov. 26,2019. Watch it on PBS or check out the Indianapolis Star. The safety inspector quit his job. How do people sleep at night? Oh and by the way, NO masks or gloves have arrived. Stores don't know when they will get them. Making do with what I can find.
They got free prime for a yearView attachment 291345
Why didnt the family go after this? OSHA agents and their bosses can be charged and a lawsuit would've been revealing.
If it was my dad I'd never let it just go away without a fight.
That's the weirdest thong I've ever seen.
That's the weirdest thong I've ever seen.
Hopefully that was made in a Union shop. I wonder if the order was delayed for the signature?
Hopefully that was made in a Union shop. I wonder if the order was delayed for the signature?
Has this customer become upset with you to the point where he/she may not allow you to deliver there until you comply?
They can't force the driver to comply with "their" policy.
"If you prefer that your UPS driver does not deliver packages to your premises, please utilize existing UPS delivery change options including MyChoice, Vacation Planner, hold for pickup, and future delivery options to make alternate delivery arrangements."
The driver works for and is paid by UPS.
The receiver can most certainly dictate the terms under which the vendor may enter their premises. We are basically vendors at most big box stores and must work as directed while on their property.
My first stop of the day (other than NDA) was Walmart. If Walmart were to mandate that all vendors wear face masks and I refused to comply they would be well within their rights to tell me to either comply or to pull off of their loading dock until I did comply.
Did you not click on the link, to read the company's statement to their customers ?
Your experience with Walmart is a rookie move....
Slap a delivery notice on the door and leave. The problem would be fixed that day.
Has this customer become upset with you to the point where he/she may not allow you to deliver there until you comply?
You are so full of!!
You have absolutely no clue as to what you are talking about. Within 30 seconds of me "slapping the delivery notice on the door" they will have called the center which would have been followed up with a "CALL THE CENTER!!!!" ODS which would have been followed up with a "WITF are you doing?!?!" and a meek apology by me after having backed back on to the dock to complete their delivery.
No she still wants her stuff. Yesterday I had nothing for her, but she literally waited all day for me. I delivered 2 things to her neighbors, and she yelled at me from her porch, “Where is your mask?”, while recording me too. I said not a word to her, didn’t even looked at her. Finished my stops and left. Had another stop at the end of the block, and I could still hear her yelling at the top of her lungs. This is the hood mind you, just to paint a mental picture.