Mass Shooting Solutions


Binge Poster
  • outlaw political lobbying
  • revoke the 17th amendment
  • revoke the 1965 immigration act, strip citizenship from anyone who wouldn't qualify under the National Origins Formula
    • non-citizens won't be deported, but are completely ineligible for any legal or economic protection
    • all employees not paid directly in cash must prove US citizenship
    • shoot anyone trying to illegally cross the border
  • revoke 1986, 1968, and 1934 gun control acts
  • abolish all welfare and minimum wages
  • abolish Fed
  • abolish IRS
  • abolish income tax, replace with flat tariffs
  • abolish Corporate personhood
  • abolish or reduce most Federal agencies
  • close all US military bases outside US territory, fix military spending to 2.5% of GDP
alright out of breath for now, but that should get us heading in the right direction
Interesting post.


Binge Poster
And if the Federal government doesn't want say registered Republicans to own guns then will we see a lot of said Republicans not passing those screenings? You can say won't happen but was already proven that the Cincinnati office of the IRS, which was in charge of approving tax exempt status for political PAC's back in 2016, was approving just about all liberal PAC's while denying conservative PAC's. And the head of that office went to a lot of meetings at the White House during that period. Something not normally done, if ever, by the head of an IRS field office.
That is a lot of info.

Good post.

Stand by my opinion, though.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I believe in extensive background checks and thorough psychological screening of each person before a firearm purchase permit is issued.

Unfortunately I also believe that it has to be a federal standard and not in the hands of the state government.
I believe you should educate yourself