Plus the union will hit us for back dues.

Plus the union will hit us for back dues.
You know they definitely what their cut
But they can play fortnite for 10 hours straight without going to the bathroom or eating.... smmfh!!Takes all of 2 minutes tops to log in and check a few boxes, yet people can't wait at all to receive the retro pay. Serves them right.
H&W and Pension Trust Funds get retro checks, not the Union.Also..consider that the Union will be getting a retro check once this thing is settled for our individual Health and Welfare and Pension funds. It equals to about a dollar per hour back pay for every teamster member (part time and full). Not peanuts..
That "might" happen as the IBT Constitution requires dues to be adjusted two months following a wage increase, so yes, dues should be raised October 1 following an August 1 wage increase.Plus the union will hit us for back dues.
They shouldn't allow the wage increases to not go through . It would be a benefit to the unionThat "might" happen as the IBT Constitution requires dues to be adjusted two months following a wage increase, so yes, dues should be raised October 1 following an August 1 wage increase.
However, the IBT waived the increase on retro pay for the 2013-2018 CBA.
Funny, I don't recall any complaints on that interpretation of the Constitution.
I got mine .
So what supplements we're holding it up before?
Was that from 2014? Cause isn't that the exact same ones holding this contract up today?Central PA
Western PA
The check?Show me. I want to see how big it is.
FYI that is when the retro checks from the last contract were issued.
The union is thrilled so many employees don’t vote. It’s the only way to get their sheety contracts thru.I hope next contract they have the clause "if you fail to vote, you forfeit your retro pay"
Well, are you still receiving all your health benefits?Plus the union will hit us for back dues.
So far.Well, are you still receiving all your health benefits?
Maybe 30 seconds...I’ve noticed the people complaining most about their retro check here are often the ones who didn’t vote. It would’ve taken them three minutes to get online and vote.