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Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders , including elected democrats , in your area. We encourage you to use our site to help educate your family on possible dangers in areas they visit. Also, please sign up for our free notifications to keep update with offenders that move in/out of your area.
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golden ticket member


Inordinately Right
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury, Connecticut is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls.

Republican Mayor John Gosek of Oswego, New York was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

Republican Mayor Chris Meyers of Melford, New Jersey resigns after accusations of refusing to pay for encounter with male prostitute.

Republican Mayor Greg Davis of Southaven, Mississippi outed as gay and charged with fraud after paying gay sex shop with city-issued credit card.

Perverts come from all political backgrounds guys, you would know that if you turned off Faux News every once and a while.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury, Connecticut is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls.

Republican Mayor John Gosek of Oswego, New York was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

Republican Mayor Chris Meyers of Melford, New Jersey resigns after accusations of refusing to pay for encounter with male prostitute.

Republican Mayor Greg Davis of Southaven, Mississippi outed as gay and charged with fraud after paying gay sex shop with city-issued credit card.

Perverts come from all political backgrounds guys, you would know that if you turned off Faux News every once and a while.
You forget that the Cartoon lady believes what Faux TELLS her!!free thought is not an option at fair and balanced fake news...


golden ticket member
I accept responsibility ....they are MY posts. However, it is political cartoons I post, not cartoons.....cartoons are like Donald Duck and Woody Woodpecker.


Inordinately Right
I accept responsibility ....they are MY posts. However, it is political cartoons I post, not cartoons.....cartoons are like Donald Duck and Woody Woodpecker.

When he called you the cartoon lady, I think he had a double meaning. As in, cartoons are a joke, and so are your posts.

Funny how every negative story about a mayor you posted happened to be a democrat. Wonder why that is?


golden ticket member
When he called you the cartoon lady, I think he had a double meaning. As in, cartoons are a joke, and so are your posts.

Funny how every negative story about a mayor you posted happened to be a democrat. Wonder why that is?
You get MY are free to post your side. There's no law that says I have to think (?) like Rachel Maddow.


Inordinately Right
You get MY are free to post your side. There's no law that says I have to think (?) like Rachel Maddow.

Why do you feel the need to take sides when it comes to child molestation? Why do you think child molestation is a partisan issue? Refer to my earlier post. I said Perverts come from both political sides.

You are using child molestation, adultery, and sexual promiscuity to further your own political agenda by only posting about democrats. Sometimes I wonder if you even realize how blindly partisan you are.
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golden ticket member
Your brain is jumping....why are you posting about child molestation? Start a new thread if needed.
....or go adjust your solar panels or tin foil.


Inordinately Right
Your brain is jumping....why are you posting about child molestation? Start a new thread if needed.
....or go adjust your solar panels or tin foil.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury, Connecticut is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls.

Republican Mayor John Gosek of Oswego, New York was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

My question is why do you feel the need to ONLY post about democrats who sexually harass or do whatever messed up things politicians do? Surely you realize people on both sides of the aisle do these things....


golden ticket member
Then maybe Obama will get the courage to condemn him.

Washington (CNN) – The Democratic National Committee will vote on a resolution this week calling on San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to resign, ratcheting up pressure on the embattled Democrat who has been accused of sexually harassing multiple women.

Sixteen women have charged Filner of acting improperly and the mayor last month acknowledged having “failed to fully respect the women who work for me and with me.” He voluntarily entered a behavioral therapy program, but has refused to step down despite widespread calls for him to leave office.

While several high profile Democrats including DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz have personally called on Filner to resign as has the San Diego County Democratic Party, this is the first time the national Democratic Party will urge him to step aside.

“We cannot reassure voters that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for a champion for women unless Democrats walk our talk on equality and take firm action in accordance with our values and stand up for women by condemning his behavior and calling on him to immediately resign as Mayor of San Diego,” reads a draft copy of the resolution obtained by CNN.


golden ticket member
Like all good little Democrats, he's sticking the taxpayers with his bills and legal fees.......creep!

What a guy.

Via Washington Times:

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner’s resignation deal is only effective if the City Council agrees to pay all his legal fees and any settlements that might stem from his numerous sexual harassment charges — a trade-off that could cost taxpayers big bucks, a local media outlet reported.

The Los Angeles Times predicted such an agreement could mean taxpayers get stuck with several hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills. That aspect of the deal was just released — about the same time his ex-fiancee offered this reaction to Mr. Filner’s alleged harassment of 18 women: “I don’t think it has anything to do with sex or love,” Bronwyn Ingram said to CBS. “I think it has to do with power and control.”