Many Americans are fed up with Washington insiders, lobbyist, and corperate muscle. Interesting watching far right pundits supporting Clinton over McClain. The system needs an enima, hopefully the plumbing is working in D.C. Obama has his sleeves rolled up waiting to flush the inherited system down the drain.
Wouldn't it be fair to say that Obama is also part of the washington group. What flushing has he done during his time in congress?
This town needs a liberal amount of Drano. There have been 21 national debates, if you don't know the canidates ideas by now, do some research.
I take it you're responding to travelers question as to what new ideas Obama has presented. I have the same question. If Obama is legitimately the guy that will flush the insider system then I would be all for supporting him. Right now in doing my research and watching all those debates I don't see the guy presenting any new ideas and I don't see his track record in congress telling me he will change anything?
Third point the guy sat in reverend wrights pews for twenty years and never objected to his mentors teachings. How can I then believe Obama will be the one to promote change when he couldn't change anything in his own church nor could he change churchs if he disagreed with Wrights teachings? His church record indicates a guy who will not make waves.