McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Justice.


B.C. boohoo buster.
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

if they got their 15 dollars they would have to pay more taxes and then could NOT qualify for their food stamps and section 8 housing among other govt. freebies. "be careful what you wish for.........."

So the tab for there upkeep goes to corporations rather than the taxpayer and people have a real incentive to work. Help me find something bad here.


B.C. boohoo buster.
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

One question to assist me.

Who will regulate and monitor this in the US?

The US government / the IRS?

The same government that regulates and monitors the US Post Office that lost 15.9 billion in 2012?

Please answer and elaborate with this piece of the solution sir.

I missed this in the video.

You appear to be a single flag follower. Possibly a FOX news junkie.

1, Regulate?
That's not what the lecture was about. Let me help you. It was about the financial crises, where we were, how we got there, and where we are now. It only posit a proposition that the status quo doesn't work and we need another system.

​2,The rest of your queries are obvious anti-government opinions. Well I let you be and believe what you want too. If all your going to do is parrot what the FOX news talking heads say without an expression of other viewpoints then that's your life and only you can "assist" yourself.


Strength through joy
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just



Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Sounds like a parrot. Do you personally walk through Walmart and look at labels? I do !
The pj's were White Stag brand.

White Stag was originally in Portland Oregon as a ski wear manufacturer. I remember the White Stag label in clothes when I was a little kid. There areplenty of items in Walmart still made in Anchor Hocking glassware and cooking ware.
Also Danskin products that started as a family owned business in N.Y.

n 1956, reflecting the popularity of the sportswear line, Hirsch-Weis changed its name to White Stag.[SUP][1][/SUP] In 1959, the company modified a large animated sign on the roof of its downtown Portland building, changing it from advertising a brand of sugar to instead advertise White Stag sportswear.[SUP][3][/SUP] For the 1959 Christmas season, a red neon "nose" was added to the stag's snout in imitation of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, a tradition that has been repeated annually ever since.[SUP][4][/SUP] The White Stag sign quickly became an identifying landmark for the city, and it was designated a Portland landmark by the city's Historic Landmarks Commission in 1977.[SUP][5][/SUP] Its lettering was changed to advertise the Made in Oregon gift retailer in 1997, and in 2010 the sign was acquired by the city and its lettering changed again, to read "Portland Oregon".[SUP][6][/SUP]
In 1966, White Stag was purchased by the Warner Brothers Company, which later became the Warnaco Group. The company moved its operations out of its downtown Portland building in the 1970s and by 1986, had moved out of Portland completely.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]
The Warnaco years

In 1986, former Warnaco executive Linda J. Wachner engineered a $550 million hostile takeover of Warnaco and began streamlining the company.[SUP][8][/SUP] White Stag was reorganized with other activewear lines, including Speedo, into a new company, Authentic Fitness Corporation, which went public in 1992.[SUP][9][/SUP] The company grew through the 1990s, but saddled with debt from other acquisitions and mergers, Warnaco filed for Chapter 11 protection in 2000.[SUP][10][/SUP]
Wal-Mart label

After Warnaco emerged from bankruptcy in 2003, it sold the White Stag trademark to Wal-Mart.[SUP][1][/SUP] Wal-Mart now uses the trademark on a line of women's casual clothing, footwear, and basic jewelry.[SUP][11][/SUP]
Another great hocus-pocus act by the corporate conglomerate. Buy a smaller company out, then continue using the sub-brand to trick consumers into thinking it's something it isn't. Are you really in your 60's, is this new to you?


golden ticket member
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Another great hocus-pocus act by the corporate conglomerate. Buy a smaller company out, then continue using the sub-brand to trick consumers into thinking it's something it isn't. Are you really in your 60's, is this new to you?
I was trying to show how and why a person shops frugally. But, I guess going to Nordstrums or Saks is some people's choices. I want more for my money!! And I do find a lot of Made in USA products in Walmart.....Even Dollar tree sells some glassware that's made in USA. You have to look and no one tellsme, not even the News shows where I should shop and what I should buy.

Do you all drive American cars?
Not made in America and the profits go to a foreign country.
Shop where you can be frugal or a spendthrift......your choice.


Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Defending Wal-Mart, you know the mind is gone at that point. ;P

I'm confident the average person can stroll around the average Wal-Mart for a good half- hour and not find a single product made in the USA. Although recently they have added the "American made" slant to their PR, so it's possible there are a few more USA goods now.


Inordinately Right
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

I was trying to show how and why a person shops frugally. But, I guess going to Nordstrums or Saks is some people's choices. I want more for my money!! And I do find a lot of Made in USA products in Walmart.....Even Dollar tree sells some glassware that's made in USA. You have to look and no one tellsme, not even the News shows where I should shop and what I should buy.

Do you all drive American cars?
Not made in America and the profits go to a foreign country.
Shop where you can be frugal or a spendthrift......your choice.
I'm not knocking you for shopping frugally, clothes at Nordstrums and Walmart are both often made in places like Bangladesh. The reason I don't shop at Walmart is the way they treat their employees.

You often go off about welfare and food stamp recipients getting free government money. Walmart refuses to pay their employees a living wage, those same employees are some of the people getting welfare and food stamp benefits. The government, with tax payer money, is subsidizing Walmart's profits. There is a high cost to society for those low roll back prices.


Well-Known Member
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

You appear to be a single flag follower. Possibly a FOX news junkie.

1, Regulate?
That's not what the lecture was about. Let me help you. It was about the financial crises, where we were, how we got there, and where we are now. It only posit a proposition that the status quo doesn't work and we need another system.

​2,The rest of your queries are obvious anti-government opinions. Well I let you be and believe what you want too. If all your going to do is parrot what the FOX news talking heads say without an expression of other viewpoints then that's your life and only you can "assist" yourself.

Please my heart, my being was as it is before there was cable and Fox News.

I am baby boomer.

I am not Republican, nor a real fan of Fox News.

I rarely watch it.

I am a Biblically based conservative and a person who appreciates our constitution.

Many of both parties I do not put faith in.

I just choose the ones that have some values that are not socialist, and will destroy this country
in the election cycles.

So perhaps I might have neutralized your stereotype and unfounded accusations a little,
I will ask again, if you will share with all.

How would you, if you were in charge for two years, turn this all around?

What system would be implemented by you?



B.C. boohoo buster.
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Please my heart, my being was as it is before there was cable and Fox News.

I am baby boomer.

I am not Republican, nor a real fan of Fox News.

I rarely watch it.

I am a Biblically based conservative and a person who appreciates our constitution.

Many of both parties I do not put faith in.

I just choose the ones that have some values that are not socialist, and will destroy this country
in the election cycles.

So perhaps I might have neutralized your stereotype and unfounded accusations a little,
I will ask again, if you will share with all.

How would you, if you were in charge for two years, turn this all around?

What system would be implemented by you?

Using labels like "socialism" displays your lack of discernment of details large and small. Civilization is collectivism, or as you and your narrow bumper sticker label loving knowledge based opinion would call "socialism." Its all really a measurement of degree NOT in kind. BANG!:knockedout:

I'm always am amused by those that throw out "constitutional conservative followers" because they seem to like to talk the talk but when pushed on details don't walk the walk. They respond with broad specious banal comments about biblical and constitutional rights without even a cursive understanding of what there talking about. "Neutralize" far from it. Your comments are neither directed at the details of the video nor do they address even your own perspectives on the how and why they differ, AS I solicited. Instead you direct your comments by going after me and then directly associated it some socialist agenda and by that position give a big wet kiss pass for the corruption lead financial collapse and the trillions of dollars lost, spent to bailout, and 30 million newly global unemployed. (that's the video) That was your biggest "tell" for me which gave thought for the above script. Bravo!

Do you even know what capitalism is? Have you read Adam Smith? Have you any knowledge of Gary Becker? Do you even know who Karl Marx was? He was an economist first. The lecturer in the video never advocated communism he only juxtapose the perspective of the current state of capitalism with a "Marxist Perspective." Karl Marx wrote the the book on Capitalism that even today are seminal works and are mandatory reading in the best schools of economic. Its one thing to know what you believe in its quite another to know what other opinions are and incorporate it. There is no such thing as one way of knowing something. Unless, your to lazy and to narrow minded to explore the sources of your own beliefs... and have the courage to challenge and test them. :wacko:

Now, if I had two years to change the "system" I would first start with a constitutional amendment to ban all private money from elections for all political offices. Lets see where the real will of the "people" in We The People stands then.


Adam Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Strength through joy
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

well some one certainly has thin skin .


B.C. boohoo buster.
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

well some one certainly has thin skin .

Well you "liked" his comment so my comments are as much directed at you too. Oh wait, you knew that already, so, who's has thin skin? :sissyfight:


Für Meno :)
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Just this week it was unvieled that the founders family of Walmart (The Sam Waltons - family of 6) they have more money than the bottom 30% of all Americans !
Truely for the Waltons the American Capitalisum Dream came true, but what about those bottom 30% of Americans , which of many of those do work for Wally ?


Nine Lives
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Just this week it was unvieled that the founders family of Walmart (The Sam Waltons - family of 6) they have more money than the bottom 30% of all Americans !
Truely for the Waltons the American Capitalisum Dream came true, but what about those bottom 30% of Americans , which of many of those do work for Wally ?

I'm surprised it is not more like 50%.
Most people in the US do not save anything and, in fact, have a negative net worth.
I am a fairly frugal person and saved/invested 20% of my take home pay from the time I was 24 and had worked at UPS for 13 years before I had a positive net worth.


Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

Using labels like "socialism" displays your lack of discernment of details large and small. Civilization is collectivism, or as you and your narrow bumper sticker label loving knowledge based opinion would call "socialism." Its all really a measurement of degree NOT in kind. BANG!:knockedout:

Do you even know who Karl Marx was? He was an economist first. The lecturer in the video never advocated communism he only juxtapose the perspective of the current state of capitalism with a "Marxist Perspective." Karl Marx wrote the the book on Capitalism that even today are seminal works and are mandatory reading in the best schools of economic. Its one thing to know what you believe in its quite another to know what other opinions are and incorporate it. There is no such thing as one way of knowing something. Unless, your to lazy and to narrow minded to explore the sources of your own beliefs... and have the courage to challenge and test them. :wacko:

Marx was a philosopher first, not economist.
Re: McDonald's, Fast Food Strike, Capitalism, Financialization., Corruption, and Just

I'm surprised it is not more like 50%.
Most people in the US do not save anything and, in fact, have a negative net worth.
I am a fairly frugal person and saved/invested 20% of my take home pay from the time I was 24 and had worked at UPS for 13 years before I had a positive net worth.
and to are still worth nothing!..lmao