Mechanic at UPS


Hi again...

Is anyone on here a mechanic with one of the hubs? I went in last night to interview for the package handler position and they brought up a recent (and sudden) opening for a mechanic! :w00t: Well, I'm thrilled, but I would like to get some more info before I go for my interview for that.

Any suggestions where to look? Are the mechanics still under the contract? Is there a different contract for that type of position? Any idea what the pay range is in your hub?

Any thoughts or suggestions? other than run away...LOL

Thanks again...



Well-Known Member
Jump at the chance to be a mechanic, if you have the skills and tools. It beats #### out of package handling. Mechanic is also a full time job. Package handler is not.
Either call the local union to ask your questions regarding contract issues or take the job and go with the flow, you probably aren't the only mechanic there.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I believe they make like $.50 an hour more than a driver. I think they follow the same wage progression as a driver too. Jump at it if you can get it.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you mean an automotive mechanic or do you mean Plant Engineeering mechanic? In either case, the first question is are you qualified for the job? What is you experience background in this field? Can you handle the economics of the 2 1/2 year wage progression which starts at 70% of the current top scale rate and progresses from there? I don't know your locale so this may be different where you are. In all probablity, about all cases whether auto or PE, the job will start off as night work and unless you hit the cycle just right, odds are you'll remain on that shift for many years to come. Are you in a position to handle that?

Ask about the current seniority in the shop because if it's all low seniority this could mean a long wait on the nightside to move up. Also unless it's a new facility or has experienced a large retirement cycle, a larger low seniority workforce may signal a higher than normal turnover rate. Ask yourself why and try to learn more on this. Ask the supervisor straight up about the history of the shop in an attempt to learn more without appearing too nosey or pushy. Watch his/her body language during this process to see if it appears something is being withheld. Look closely at the mechanics in the shop ar how they carry and conduct themselves. If possible, remember some faces and if close to shift change, (ask supervisor during interview process what are some of the scheduled hours to get an idea of how the job timeframe works to get an idea of when the mechanics you saw might get off work) talk to them and especially the more senior ones. They are a better historical resource. One caveat though in talking to employees, do not do this while they are on the job or in the workplace. Do this when you both are really on your own time and the other warning is talk with several if you can. In talking with only one you could talk with a bad apple or someone with brown colored glasses. Those aren't the ones you want. As much as employers like to think, this process is not a one way marriage selection. They may want you but in the end you may not want them and nothing lost if you walk before saying I Do!

Getting back to personal and family impacts, if you are married, have a family or significant other, you really need to discuss this job and all it's aspects in great, great detail. Night work requires many lifestyle changes that impact others around you and if there is any doubt of them adjusting or even yourself then forget it and go elsewhere. Do you have a family lifestyle built on events that take place in the evening, ie kids sports or other family involved activites, then again, I'd forget UPS. If you do take the plunge, expect the worst to always be the case. It won't be mind you but when it's the reality, it's already a given in your mind to happen so you just roll with it.

I don't mean to throw a bucket of water on your excitement but you need to be realistic that this job will require you to make some sacrifices in order to be successful. If you come in, come in with eyes wide open and you may not like the hand dealt at time but mentality you're prepared to adjust. Otherwise you'll just be miserible and unhappy.

Good luck!


wkmac --- wow THANKS!:thumbup1:

Those are the things that I needed to hear. About who to talk to etc.

Yep this is a night shift, and yep I've already been told to expect to stay on it for years. And third yep I do have experience, it's an auto mechanic position.

I know the night shift will totally stink, but so far it's the only downside I've found to the job. Once I talk to them at an interview I'll be able to better weigh the pros and cons.

I'll have to go find what you mean about the wage progression. Any job I take will be huge cut from my last job, but I hated it! So to me money isn't everything. I found one posting on a job board, (not in my area) for this type of position and the pay would be darn close to what I was making before. So I think economically I'll be good.

Like you's going to be the impact of the night shift.

Thanks all for the input so far....



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
3rd shift isnt so bad, you wont have to deal with many of the drivers personally, just look at their write ups and they wont be looking over your shoulder telling you how they would do it!
NOT a mechanic, but I have seen how some drivers do interfere with the mechanice trying to do his job.
Good Luck


Staff member
Why won't my mechanic fix my bulkhead door??? Brand new car, had it about 5 weeks, and the bulkhead door sticks/rubs while closing. It's driving me NUTS! He's greased it 15 times, and that works great for about 1/2 an hour.
His last response was, "Sorry, can't be fixed".

Sorry for the rant. Anyone heard of this problem getting solved?


Well-Known Member
Over, I hear you. How can something not be fixed? I think what he's trying to say is, it'll cost too much money and your gripe is just not that important. To me, its a safety issue. You can tear an upper back muscle trying to close the door. I usually close my bulkhead door when I'm seated, just after I put my seatbelt on. One summer, I was covering a route and the darn door would really stick. One time the thing just wouldn't close. Needless to say, I felt a sharp pain across the top of my back that didn't go away for a week


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
About my mechanic I cannot complain, I have had ones where I could.........
It should be fixable, it should slide easily.
Mine is the best, my car is perfect, and he keeps it that way, and its older, it doesnt even have the new logo.
Im thinking your gripe is what browniehound says, maybe you will have to go to your mgr, if that would help.


Well-Known Member
brownie....If, as you state, you "usually close the bulkhead door while you're seated, after I put on the seat belt" then you are NOT FOLLOWING THE METHODS, It's people like you who THINK they have a better way to do a job and the moment they injure themself doing the job their way look for someone other than themself to blame.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pajara2...I agree with most of what Wkmac said but, depending on what state your applying the wage and progression are different. I'm the stewart for the Metro Phila district and here you start out 80% and you are in a 2 year progression. After 2 years the only way to be a journeyman is to have a class a CDL and your ASE cert's. If you get one or the other they hold you at 95% until the other is met. Yes it's a good job and night shift stink's, it took me 15 years to get to day's. But in the long run you can't beat the wage's and benfits and the pension you will get after thirty years. Good luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
Are the mechanics in a different union, or just have their own locals? The mechanic in our center says their local is UPS mechanics only and the retirement benefit he will recieve is almost double mine when we both hit 30 years. Yes, by the way, I saw the retirement benefits letter with his retirement earnings listed depending on when he retires.


Well-Known Member
In Metro Phila we are in a local with other company's, but our pension is held seperate from evey other company that's in that local. And you are right our pension is alot more than the driver's with the same amount of year's. I think in Baltimore the mechanic's are machinists and the same would apply for them, a seperate held pension.


Well-Known Member
The mechanics are a skilled position considering the apprenticeship and training they receive. I believe its close to four years of training.

Drivers for UPS do not require any skill other then being of age, have a basic education and hopfully have some common sense which by the way is absent in many of the posts I have read lately.


Well-Known Member
Mechanics are paid at a rate that is the same as a feeder driver hauling doubles, which is 50 cents an hour more than a package car driver at top rate. As far as progressions go a mechanic goes through 12 months of progressions to achieve top rate where as a package car driver goes through 30 months of progressions once attaining seniority. Mechanics and drivers are covered under different Union representation and therefore you can not move from one job category to the other without sacrificing all seniority and essentially quiting and being rehired into the other position.


Well-Known Member
So Oldupsdriver, you're trying to say that since they're skilled they deserve a better retirement plan, or that they were simply lucky by being represented by a union that took its fiduciary responsibilities seriously? BTW from what the mechanics have told me the amount UPS contributes towards their pension is the same that they contribute towards the drivers.


Good Job, Hangingon! We have paid for what is supposed to be the best,the strongest union representation OUR money can buy (why do I feel like I'm being used to further the well being of the IBT) my retiement should be the envy of everyone not just your local wal-mart employee!


Staff member
Mechanic at UPS. Real hard job. You have to be able to fix exactly ONE type of vehicle.

It's not like being a real mechanic where you have to work on ANY type of vehicle.


Well-Known Member
All I hear is "parts on order" .When it finally breaks down it is my problem. We do not have enough P-1000s so I get a 800 old junk too small and it does not have power steering which I am supposed to have due to 20 years of abuse and 5 surgeries