Mechanic trying to bid into feeders


This is the language we have in our rider


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Well-Known Member
Ask all the partimers that went into feeders because no full timers signed the bid sheet in Jacksonville Fla how Important that is.
You ever seen that before in your career here??? Same with hiring so many off the streets dudes…never seen that before in such #’s…now it’s all going to change.


Pineapple King
You ever seen that before in your career here??? Same with hiring so many off the streets dudes…never seen that before in such #’s…now it’s all going to change.
I have. It use make me puke those guys would come and drop loads at my building, 25 years old, worked for ups for barely a year(part time) and now driving feeders full time. They laugh when I told them it took me 25 years to get into feeders.


Part on order, ok to drive
We have had several mechanics move to Feeders. I think they used a medical excuse. Too old to get up from under package cars anymore.

Here we would have to go outside hire route becuase we are in a different union. pE or Base as they call it now is the spot where auto mechanics that don't want to deal with the BS go.

Every auto mechanic I have know that got into Base said it was the best thing they ever did....

Personally I would never go to feeders even if I could, I don't like driving that much anymore and in particular I hate driving tractors.... I had a few scary moments bobtailing in snow on road calls.


Part on order, ok to drive
No…they just have a harder than hell time getting decent mechanics in this place and automotive doesn’t want to loose this person.

We cant get MECHANICS period let alone decent... nobody wants to do this and those that can don't want to work nights or deal with the no matter what you do you are wrong toxicity that is UPS

A skilled tech can get 45 a hour plus working week days and sleep like a normal person without all the BS, and most mechanics are not big union guys


Well-Known Member
The language you posted does not identify the path for a mechanic to bid into a feeder position. Rpcd, 22.3, and p/t are however listed. You can’t add wording that isn’t there which means you very well can be a teamster like us but you fall under an entirely different supplement, rider, or addendum. Some are even under aircraft and machinist union but you still don’t fit the definition of holding one of the three categories. The bottom of the seniority list could be any one those three categories who don’t have one year of accident free driving. But it doesn’t say your mechanic seniority is treated as is a driver combo or pT insider. Sorry dude


Well-Known Member
We had a Feeder driver try to bid into a mechanic position and was denied as well. Atlantic Area. They still haven't filled the position and having a hard time filling it


Part on order, ok to drive
Not qualified?
He probably did not have experience... from what I have been told it's 5 years minimum heavy duty preferred. I had no heavy duty but over a decade of experience in light deisels at Ford dealers when I got hired, and back then we had a lot of T444e cars that was the same as the 7.3 DI Ford was using at the time in the super duty