I know the thought of a TRADITION --That MARRIAGE is between a MAN and a Woman is foreign to you --I understand that - white race comment ????![]()
I see how Liberals respect all points of view --as long as it matches theirs.
But Please ---Reading a written statement that someone else wrote for him ---once in a while deal with reality. It was obviously HIS idea and HIS statement of apology???? I think not.
Believe that --I have a Bridge to sell you.
regardless, your assumptions are not proof that he was forced to do anything, and you may be of the generation of Ward Cleaver, but brother, that world was 60 years ago.
This isnt the ozzie and harriet show anymore. U are lucky in one respect, you wont live long enough to be forced to live in a country where gays can marry legally in all states and no one cares. Thats a country for the future generations of the country to experience.
The country has progressed to be more inclusive and less like the hypocritical world of gays hiding in closets, unless of course your a republican politician.
As the rest of this country attempts to escape bigotry and hatred towards one another, you still find yourself hating blacks as the only criminals in the country doing the most damage while ignoring the fact that the majority of mass shootings were committed by WHITE MEN.
The issue here is stopping, preventing or surviving MASS SHOOTINGS and not stopping all crime.
Thats a totally different conversation.