Media Bias --Super Bowl

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I know the thought of a TRADITION --That MARRIAGE is between a MAN and a Woman is foreign to you --I understand that - white race comment ????:sad-little:

I see how Liberals respect all points of view --as long as it matches theirs.

But Please ---Reading a written statement that someone else wrote for him ---once in a while deal with reality. It was obviously HIS idea and HIS statement of apology???? I think not.

Believe that --I have a Bridge to sell you.

regardless, your assumptions are not proof that he was forced to do anything, and you may be of the generation of Ward Cleaver, but brother, that world was 60 years ago.

This isnt the ozzie and harriet show anymore. U are lucky in one respect, you wont live long enough to be forced to live in a country where gays can marry legally in all states and no one cares. Thats a country for the future generations of the country to experience.

The country has progressed to be more inclusive and less like the hypocritical world of gays hiding in closets, unless of course your a republican politician.

As the rest of this country attempts to escape bigotry and hatred towards one another, you still find yourself hating blacks as the only criminals in the country doing the most damage while ignoring the fact that the majority of mass shootings were committed by WHITE MEN.

The issue here is stopping, preventing or surviving MASS SHOOTINGS and not stopping all crime.

Thats a totally different conversation.




Well-Known Member
There you go again ''MASS SHOOTINGS"

134 victims over twenty years --Chicago will beat that number this month--get real.

Leave it to Beaver ---little before my time --but sure we now have Progressed to all the great sex and violence on TV. Real Progress ---????:sick:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There you go again ''MASS SHOOTINGS"

134 victims over twenty years --Chicago will beat that number this month--get real.

Leave it to Beaver ---little before my time --but sure we now have Progressed to all the great sex and violence on TV. Real Progress ---????:sick:

Confusing the issue is the only DEFENSE the NRA can get you guys to run with. MASS SHOOTINGS, lets keep the subject real. We are not talking about suicides. We will never stop "law abiding" guns owners from shooting their wives and their wives boyfriends, thats a reality the gun culture promotes and accepts as a tolerance for liberty.

You want to kill your wife because she cheats on you? Go ahead, it wont phase me a bit, however, afterwards, if you walk into the street with that gun with a mindset to cause more damage to society at large, then you got a problem with me.

You have to let the Cleavers go, let the Nelsons go, let the brady bunch go, this is a new america, one in line with the rest of the world.

You will NEVER get this nation back to the 50's no matter how hard you complain or how hard christian ministers try to talk you into it.

Your mindset is growing smaller and smaller every decade. People are running away from religion in this country. Most of the hardcore old timers still stuck in the 50's wont see the change when it happens, but they will bitch about it until they lay cold in the ground.

Dont mind me, but Ill walk over those graves all day long.




Nine Lives
Actually, if you could post something from Stewart that is vile, I would like to see it. He really doesn't come off the least bit offensive at all, has had wonderful dialog with Newt Gingrich and John McCain on several occasions, and seemed genuinely charmed when interviewing Condi Rice. That he makes fun of folks on the right doesn't make him vile.

I use to watch Jon Stewart regularly until I saw his ugly bully hidden personality when he attacked Jim Cramer after the 2008 banking collapse. Jim Cramer is simply an entertainer like Stewart is.
I 've gone from watching him maybe 100 times a year to maybe twice since that show.
His person is an ugly little piece of crap but he is still very funny.

Jon Stewart rips apart Jim Cramer on the daily show - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Confusing the issue is the only DEFENSE the NRA can get you guys to run with. MASS SHOOTINGS, lets keep the subject real. We are not talking about suicides. We will never stop "law abiding" guns owners from shooting their wives and their wives boyfriends, thats a reality the gun culture promotes and accepts as a tolerance for liberty.

You want to kill your wife because she cheats on you? Go ahead, it wont phase me a bit, however, afterwards, if you walk into the street with that gun with a mindset to cause more damage to society at large, then you got a problem with me.

You have to let the Cleavers go, let the Nelsons go, let the brady bunch go, this is a new america, one in line with the rest of the world.

You will NEVER get this nation back to the 50's no matter how hard you complain or how hard christian ministers try to talk you into it.

Your mindset is growing smaller and smaller every decade. People are running away from religion in this country. Most of the hardcore old timers still stuck in the 50's wont see the change when it happens, but they will bitch about it until they lay cold in the ground.

Dont mind me, but Ill walk over those graves all day long.




Hey BRO --you need to chill .:happy-very: That Hatred will destroy YOU !!!