Media Bias

Box Ox

Well-Known Member



It should teach us to punish all war criminals to the fullest extent of the law or else liberals will rehabilitate them and engage in historical erasure.
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Chris Cillizza
· Oct 8
What the friendship of Ellen DeGeneres and George W. Bush should teach us Ellen DeGeneres and George W. Bush: What their friendship teaches us - CNNPolitics

Being a communist doesn’t make you an unbiased critic in this case.


I'm a star
being unbiased and magically "objective" is nonsense anyways and any good journalist will tell you that.

It's not about your views, it's about how you convey the story. You can have opinions on things, and even voice those. Bias is subtextual, implying that your opinions or views on a matter are the correct ones.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It's not about your views, it's about how you convey the story. You can have opinions on things, and even voice those. Bias is subtextual, implying that your opinions or views on a matter are the correct ones.
Which is why I do not respect his persona on here.
He may be a fine fellow in real life but his bias and positioning renders his views on here as disingenuous.


I'm a star
you can type up journalists i like and objectivity and see what they say. its a sham to cover the rich man's side of the story.

They point to an invisible boogey man to justify their lack of diligence in maintaining journalistic standards. That pretty much sums up the state of journalism today. They have completely dropped the pretense of pursuing the truth in favor of pushing their personal ideologies. That is propaganda, not journalism, comrade.


They point to an invisible boogey man to justify their lack of diligence in maintaining journalistic standards. That pretty much sums up the state of journalism today. They have completely dropped the pretense of pursuing the truth in favor of pushing their personal ideologies. That is propaganda, not journalism, comrade.
i dunno, journalism is owned by a few corporations, the state is increasingly going after journalists, print media is dying. MSM is a sham.

everyone views the world differently. you can see different things. if your honest about it, then thats fine. some people choose not to see. kant says people choose to decieve themselves.


I'm a star
i dunno, journalism is owned by a few corporations, the state is increasingly going after journalists, print media is dying. MSM is a sham.

everyone views the world differently. you can see different things. if your honest about it, then thats fine. some people choose not to see. kant says people choose to decieve themselves.

People can deceive themselves all they want, It's purposefully attempting to deceive others that is the problem. Journalism is not owned by anything or anyone. It is a profession that is pursued by people who care about the truth, and are willing to push through their own personal filters in an attempt to align their subjectivity more closely with objective reality. Propagandists who claim the title of journalist are nothing but usurpers.


People can deceive themselves all they want, It's purposefully attempting to deceive others that is the problem. Journalism is not owned by anything or anyone. It is a profession that is pursued by people who care about the truth, and are willing to push through their own personal filters in an attempt to align their subjectivity more closely with objective reality. Propagandists who claim the title of journalist are nothing but usurpers.
what journalist outfits does jeff bezos own?

who do journalists depend on to get the story?

who do newspapers depend on for revenue?

what does this all mean.

journalism more often than not is propaganda. we need a revolution. this system doesnt work.


Well-Known Member
what journalist outfits does jeff bezos own?

who do journalists depend on to get the story?

who do newspapers depend on for revenue?

what does this all mean.

journalism more often than not is propaganda. we need a revolution. this system doesnt work.
What would you replace it with?


What would you replace it with?
likely something with no ads. probably publicly funded or by donation. and power corrupts too so something more decentralized. ive heard the answer before but i forget. and then why dont MSM pay to use the public airwaves? france also has equal coverage for candidates so you dont end up with trumps empty podium getting more coverage than bernie sanders.