Media Bias


nowhere special

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


nowhere special
NewsNation tries to hype itself as unbiased and just the news yet they go and hire Chris Cuomo. I guess they wanted to get more attention and Cuomo comes with a cheap price tag. They already had a bunch of CNN and MSNBC retreads.


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
dont worry great war hero and operationalneeds political hero, the governor of florida, will take care of the children like the rest of the republicans

operationalneeds dear leader governor of florida to pass similar laws to protect the kids

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theres alot of dumbed down action movies. i assume this guy wants the comic book equivalent of that

notice how ppl who are misled like @operationalneeds get offended at politics in entertainment, but dont get offended at dumbed down entertainment. i guarantee you theres no posts on here of her about that.

when im thinking about something, its useful to apply the opposite argument to figure things out. like for example ppl like to say what separates capitalism from slavery, and I say want do they have in common. its revealing.

i like intelligent movies like chris nolans stuff even though hes frequently misled, and star wars (disney sucks) and the matrix and LOTR.

reminds me of war criminal obama winning nobel peace prize!

operationalneeds up for nomination in 2023

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talking to operationalneeds?

u want a safe space for operational needs

how much coverage is FOX and operationalneeds favorite NY post giving to trump these days?

are they silencing him? i suspect so.

what theyre probably doing is pumping up opneeds favorite corrupt disney warrior from florida and minimizing trump
Geez. Obsess much? Go get a boyfriend. Your obsession with me is bordering on creepy.


Strength through joy
I wonder if any media outlets will publish this story.

Donald Trump Announces He Is Suing CNN, Will Target Other Media Outlets as Well​

The 282-page letter, addressed to CNN’s Chief Executive Officer Chris Licht as well as CNN’s executive Vice President and General Counsel David Vigilante, demands the network publish what is described as”

…a full and fair correction, apology, or retraction, in the same editions or corresponding issues of the website publication in which the aforementioned articles, transcripts, or broadcasts appeared and in as conspicuous a place and type as said original article, transcript or broadcast within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice.

“Failure to publish such a correction, apology, or retraction will result in the filing of a lawsuit and damages being sought against you, CNN,” the letter reads, detailing several examples of what Trump’s team contends is defamation.

The first topic listed is the 2016 election, in which Trump’s team notes that CNN “repeatedly allowed for assertions that President Trump was illegitimately elected” — assertions that went “largely unchallenged.”

  • CNN’s Rush to Label President Trump a Liar
  • CNN’s Branding of President Trump as a Liar Extends to Likening Him to Nazis and Communists
  • CNN’s Willful and Continued Usage of the “Big Lie” Characterization
  • The Unique Treatment of President Trump’s Beliefs Versus Those Belonging to Other Public Figures


Inordinately Right
Nbc hit piece on Trump tonight.

Criticizing Saudi sponsored golf tournament, making it about 9/11 and the freelance journalist they killed.

Didn't once mention Biden promising to be hard on Saudis, then going over there and getting on his knees begging them to pump oil.