Media Bias

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I said no such thing. Did you not read the above article posted by Ricky? His wife heard loud pounding on the door, heard the door crack, thought it was a home invasion, locked herself inside a pantry and called the police. A group of people were outside chanting, which they posted online. How would you feel if after dark a group of people showed at your house with your wife home alone and pounded on the door and started chanting? Apparently you think that's ok. Or it's ok as long as it's at the home of someone who's political views you don't share. And pretty much all of the media outlets denounced what the Antifa guys did. Why are you defending it?
The real question is why did a bunch of right wingers dress up as antifa and pound on Tucker’s door?


Bad Moon Risen'
I said no such thing. Did you not read the above article posted by Ricky? His wife heard loud pounding on the door, heard the door crack, thought it was a home invasion, locked herself inside a pantry and called the police. A group of people were outside chanting, which they posted online. How would you feel if after dark a group of people showed at your house with your wife home alone and pounded on the door and started chanting? Apparently you think that's ok. Or it's ok as long as it's at the home of someone who's political views you don't share. And pretty much all of the media outlets denounced what the Antifa guys did. Why are you defending it?
Happened at my house a couple of weeks ago. Started just after dark and the mob kept chanting "Trick-or-Treat". Gave them what they wanted and they left. Bunch of little conservatives looking for a handout.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
How deranged would someone have to be to be so upset about Wolf Blitzer to protest his house? I don’t know who has the time for this type of nonsense. I also don’t care, Tucker can easily afford increased security. Maybe he should think about why his tv show stirs such opposition. His whole schtick is dressing up white nationlism as intellectual. Don’t demonize the majority of Americans and act shocked when demons show up at your door.
Yes, Brethren.. we are going to Hell in a hand basket .


golden ticket member
Yes, Brethren.. we are going to Hell in a hand basket .


Man of Great Wisdom
I said no such thing. Did you not read the above article posted by Ricky? His wife heard loud pounding on the door, heard the door crack, thought it was a home invasion, locked herself inside a pantry and called the police. A group of people were outside chanting, which they posted online. How would you feel if after dark a group of people showed at your house with your wife home alone and pounded on the door and started chanting? Apparently you think that's ok. Or it's ok as long as it's at the home of someone who's political views you don't share. And pretty much all of the media outlets denounced what the Antifa guys did. Why are you defending it?
This is why I have a metal door.


Inordinately Right
Now this type of logical argument from you does not surprise me ... it is par for the course for you.
This is an example of an Ad Hominem Fallacy in my logic ... it does not address your points.

Your statement of "Your argument is that it doesn't matter whether protesters broke his door, the mere fact that they were protesting is wrong." is an example of of a Straw Man Fallacy because your point, "... the mere fact that they were protesting is wrong." is a point that has not been discussed with me and furthermore, it is a position that I obviously do not hold.

Your statement, "You are unamerican. Shame on you" is based on your straw man fallacy.
Additionally, this type of argument is an example of a False Dichotomy Fallacy because your reasoning fails by limiting the options to two when there are in fact more options to choose from. Additionally, your conclusion is an example of a Slippery Slope Fallacy argument based on your illogical Straw Man Fallacy covered above.
Congratulations you used a whole lot of words to say absolutely nothing of substance. You simply deflected again. Sad old man.


Inordinately Right
I said no such thing. Did you not read the above article posted by Ricky? His wife heard loud pounding on the door, heard the door crack, thought it was a home invasion, locked herself inside a pantry and called the police.
Do you have proof the door was cracked?

A group of people were outside chanting, which they posted online. Apparently you think that's ok.
Yes, I think protesting is ok, because I don't live in North Korea.

And pretty much all of the media outlets denounced what the Antifa guys did. Why are you defending it?
Of course they did.
Protecting their own.
You think they want people to start calling them out on their bias and lies?

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t really think it matters if they cracked the door or not. Groups of democrats have been using this type of intimidation for a century, I’m surprised they didn’t burn a swashtika or cross in his front yard.


Well-Known Member
The police report is labeling it as a hate crime. I watch Carlson's show. He shows the Antifa guys on video smashing windows and attacking passersby, including beating up journalists. They obviously don't like being exposed. They were also chanting at his house "we know where you sleep at night." Carlson has liberals on all the time to debate issues, most of the time getting the better of it. Apparently the emotionally immature can't handle that.
i know...we can tell...

im all in favor of people protesting at media elites houses.

but im against the violence. it reminds me of the KKK or something. when you violently attack people bc of their political views you are a terrorist.
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Well-Known Member
If you support actions like what happened at Tucker Carlson's home there's no point in trying to persuade you. These Antifa guys claim to be anti-fascist but they're the ones employing fascist tactics. Yeah, let's shut down everyone we disagree with by threatening physical harm. Democracy in action.
democracy is the best system and i havent heard anything better to combat power abuse

thats also why we have so little of democracy.
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