Memorial Grilling and Smoking Extravaganza


Never bought my own handtruck
My sister was like that. Briefly sear one side, flip it over and sear the other side. Almost raw in the middle.

Then she decided she wanted to be a vegetarian. But made all kinds of excuses about what she could get away with eating.

Crazy. Say no more.
See? I knew we had something in common!


I started this.
Staff member

Ribs and potatoes on the smoker.


I started this.
Staff member
Did you guys get an Akorn?

Looks like it.

Vision from Costco. There was a definite learning curve (cremated some ribs, made a couple of gross pizzas). Now that we've got it figured out we love it.

If we had a bigger budget we would have gone for the big greed egg but the Vision kamado we found in our local Costco works great. It's a knockoff big green egg that smokes, grills and is an oven. Here's a super cheesy video about it. The one Costco sells is similar to their least expensive B version.
