Agent of Change
The best story I heard is how Hillary beat Bill pretty good when the Monica Lewinsky story broke. If you can find video from back then you can see his left eye socket is bruised and covered with make up.
I believe that. Mama taught me one thing: beware of a woman scorned. Cheating and public humiliation would come under that heading. I was a teen at the time of Clinton's impeachment. I might have to find a video of that time period, though. It would be nice to see! I did not care for his ethics or politics. I can not separate his economic success from his philandering or politics.
So let me get this straight...Barack Hussein Obama has struck his wife, Michelle, in anger, and there is proof of this, but the entire Rovian machine has decided to wait just a bit longer to reveal it, until after he has been elected president?
Okay, sure. Now slowly back away from the crack pipe.
Forget you, chief. I don't smoke. You know how Bush's vices were pretty well hidden. The media are in LOVE with Barack Obama. They wouldn't broadcast it if they could avoid it. C' can do better than this! -Rocky