Michelle Obama


Strength through joy
Back when this story first broke , it was still on the Bar of Ill. web site.
Which was where I read the it.
Try looking today and its gone.
So it's not a false rumor just another missing document.


Strength through joy
I really couldn't care less. He's the POTUS and she has been taking care of the children the past 8 years.
What children ?
Certainly no her own , that's why her mother moved into the White House with them.
Or are you referring to this nation's children with her mandated lunch program ?
Which be the way is being rejected by the children daily because they need more food than the cardboard she insists that they eat.
Least we not forget her 26 taxpayer helpers that she needed daily to maintain her image. While hillary only needed 2 helpers when she was Flotus.