Midterm Elections: Countdown to Tuesday, November 8, 2022


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Putin is threating to cut off the supply of materials that make electric cars possible.
What will the new spin be ?
The new spin coming out of the White House is, Putin is the blame for the high oil prices, not Democrats. Will it work? Probably not, but the protective media sure will try to sell it.


Strength through joy
A Democrat vote means you favor:

  1. No fossil fuel production. Like the price of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas these days?
  2. Inflation at a 50-year high. The government prints money and hands it out, and it becomes worthless.
  3. No freedom of speech. Say the "incorrect thing," and you're sued. Or fired. No opinions allowed.
  4. No civil liberties. Don't think the vaccine is right for you or truly safe? Sorry — you have no say.
  5. De-funding the police. Smash and grab. No bail for criminals. Policemen being shot. Feel safe?
  6. A weakened military. Our top generals are more concerned with "equity" than winning wars.
  7. Higher taxes. You think the government spends your money more wisely than you do, right?
  8. Unrestricted illegal immigration. Your taxes support their education, health care, and housing.
  9. Choosing your gender. Do you like 45-year-old men in the girl's room with your daughter?
  10. Woke corporations. Everything is racist all of a sudden. Color and sex far outweigh qualifications.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
A Democrat vote means you favor:

  1. No fossil fuel production. Like the price of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas these days?
  2. Inflation at a 50-year high. The government prints money and hands it out, and it becomes worthless.
  3. No freedom of speech. Say the "incorrect thing," and you're sued. Or fired. No opinions allowed.
  4. No civil liberties. Don't think the vaccine is right for you or truly safe? Sorry — you have no say.
  5. De-funding the police. Smash and grab. No bail for criminals. Policemen being shot. Feel safe?
  6. A weakened military. Our top generals are more concerned with "equity" than winning wars.
  7. Higher taxes. You think the government spends your money more wisely than you do, right?
  8. Unrestricted illegal immigration. Your taxes support their education, health care, and housing.
  9. Choosing your gender. Do you like 45-year-old men in the girl's room with your daughter?
  10. Woke corporations. Everything is racist all of a sudden. Color and sex far outweigh qualifications.
What could go wrong?


Well-Known Member
I agree.....take a look at the libertarian platform...a blend of liberal ( the good ) and conservative ( the good ) ....theres is much to agree with and some not to........at some point people grow up and have to work to survive......some sooner than others......


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
A Democrat vote means you favor:

  1. No fossil fuel production. Like the price of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas these days?
  2. Inflation at a 50-year high. The government prints money and hands it out, and it becomes worthless.
  3. No freedom of speech. Say the "incorrect thing," and you're sued. Or fired. No opinions allowed.
  4. No civil liberties. Don't think the vaccine is right for you or truly safe? Sorry — you have no say.
  5. De-funding the police. Smash and grab. No bail for criminals. Policemen being shot. Feel safe?
  6. A weakened military. Our top generals are more concerned with "equity" than winning wars.
  7. Higher taxes. You think the government spends your money more wisely than you do, right?
  8. Unrestricted illegal immigration. Your taxes support their education, health care, and housing.
  9. Choosing your gender. Do you like 45-year-old men in the girl's room with your daughter?
  10. Woke corporations. Everything is racist all of a sudden. Color and sex far outweigh qualifications.
Judges that think the constitution is bendable to their liking.


Inordinately Right
I agree.....take a look at the libertarian platform...a blend of liberal ( the good ) and conservative ( the good ) ....theres is much to agree with and some not to........at some point people grow up and have to work to survive......some sooner than others......
There's nothing wrong with voting libertarian as long as you're okay with Democrats running the country.


Strength through joy
The liberal mindset might have a few tiny cracks in it because of this.

'If Putin thought Trump was really that supportive of him, why didn't he invade while Trump was in office? It's at least worth asking that question'


Well-Known Member
A Democrat vote means you favor:

  1. No fossil fuel production. Like the price of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas these days?
  2. Inflation at a 50-year high. The government prints money and hands it out, and it becomes worthless.
  3. No freedom of speech. Say the "incorrect thing," and you're sued. Or fired. No opinions allowed.
  4. No civil liberties. Don't think the vaccine is right for you or truly safe? Sorry — you have no say.
  5. De-funding the police. Smash and grab. No bail for criminals. Policemen being shot. Feel safe?
  6. A weakened military. Our top generals are more concerned with "equity" than winning wars.
  7. Higher taxes. You think the government spends your money more wisely than you do, right?
  8. Unrestricted illegal immigration. Your taxes support their education, health care, and housing.
  9. Choosing your gender. Do you like 45-year-old men in the girl's room with your daughter?
  10. Woke corporations. Everything is racist all of a sudden. Color and sex far outweigh qualifications.
5,6,8,10,1,2,3,4 all wrong

The govt has been printing money since 2008. it inflated housing and stock market.

So why 8% inflation in other things now?


Well-Known Member
I agree.....take a look at the libertarian platform...a blend of liberal ( the good ) and conservative ( the good ) ....theres is much to agree with and some not to........at some point people grow up and have to work to survive......some sooner than others......
Were living in the future

Only reason were still working so much is bc we gave all the economic power to a few and theyre richer than ever


Well-Known Member
when are americans going to have a "my standard of living hasnt increased since 1973 moment?"



Inordinately Right
when are americans going to have a "my standard of living hasnt increased since 1973 moment?"

What a stupid metric to use.
Gee little Ricky, can you think of anything that might be the reason why productivity increased?


Well-Known Member
What a stupid metric to use.
Gee little Ricky, can you think of anything that might be the reason why productivity increased?
u know what size are my shoes. 15 snowboard boot size. i do this to u:



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Big time push among the left to create the narrative that Putin caused this inflation! Lol, won't work.


Well-Known Member
Big time push among the left to create the narrative that Putin caused this inflation! Lol, won't work.
why did trillions in money printing not bring inflation officially anyways until recently?

we went 14 years of money printing and no inflation

stock market got inflated. housing got inflated
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quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I agree.....take a look at the libertarian platform...a blend of liberal ( the good ) and conservative ( the good ) ....theres is much to agree with and some not to........at some point people grow up and have to work to survive......some sooner than others......
Ok. What are the "good" points of liberalism? You mean BLM, high crime, wokeness, psycho trans pushing, Antifa, racism, violence, racial set asides, inequality, inequity socialism/communism on and on? Because that's what you get from liberalism. I don't see anything else.
There's nothing wrong with voting libertarian as long as you're okay with Democrats running the country.


Well-Known Member
Ok. What are the "good" points of liberalism? You mean BLM, high crime, wokeness, psycho trans pushing, Antifa, racism, violence, racial set asides, inequality, inequity socialism/communism on and on? Because that's what you get from liberalism. I don't see anything else.

idiot liberals will defend capitalism and pass reforms to maintain capitalism

if you dont reform capitalism you risk revolution which is what radicals like me want