Military leave/pay


New Member
Under the impression of a driver leaves sonority will be kept. Does that mean pay scale will continue? I'm currently in a four year progression. Been driving a year. Interested if joining the military for 2 years active/ 6 years reserves. Would I rejoin driving with one year left until top rate?


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What branch offers 2 year enlistments?
Dave, it used to be named something like "call to service" or something similar for short active duty enlistments. The OP is saying he would have a 2-year active duty and the rest in reserves or ready reserves for 8 total years. The Army and Navy did short active stints but it has been 20 years since I was in so things might have changed.

I beleive and could be wrong, but the Army still does short stints of active duty with 2,4,or 6 years reserve duty depending on MOS.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Under the impression of a driver leaves sonority will be kept. Does that mean pay scale will continue? I'm currently in a four year progression. Been driving a year. Interested if joining the military for 2 years active/ 6 years reserves. Would I rejoin driving with one year left until top rate?
Yes you will receive all of your raises and gain seniority just like you never left. UPS must hold your job for you as long as you complete your training and do not get into any trouble. Get kicked out and UPS does not have to take you back.


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Yes you will receive all of your raises and gain seniority just like you never left. UPS must hold your job for you as long as you complete your training and do not get into any trouble. Get kicked out and UPS does not have to take you back.
See below.
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PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
This would be true if he were already n the military. He wants to join the military but keep his employ at UPS. The company does not have to honor this request. Please enlighten me with a link or article if I am wrong.
Don't have a link or article, just personal experience. I was employed at UPS for several years when I decided to join my states National Guard. Another person I worked with joined the Regular Army and was gone for several years before he came back and claimed his job. Google USERRA rights.


Nine Lives
This would be true if he were already n the military. He wants to join the military but keep his employ at UPS. The company does not have to honor this request. Please enlighten me with a link or article if I am wrong.
Yes you will receive all of your raises and gain seniority just like you never left. UPS must hold your job for you as long as you complete your training and do not get into any trouble. Get kicked out and UPS does not have to take you back.
PTCW is correct based on my experience.
One clarification is that his job is guaranteed for one enlistment period (typically 4 years) but no more than 5 years.
If he signs up for additional time, then UPS is not required to reinstate.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
PTCW is correct based on my experience.
One clarification is that his job is guaranteed for one enlistment period (typically 4 years).
If he signs up for additional time, then UPS is not required to reinstate.
Forgot about the five year limit. Some companies will waive that as five years is all the law will allow. You also may not receive pension credits or health care benefits for the time spent on active duty.


Nine Lives
Don't have a link or article, just personal experience. I was employed at UPS for several years when I decided to join my states National Guard. Another person I worked with joined the Regular Army and was gone for several years before he came back and claimed his job. Google USERRA rights.
I was in HR for 4 years and UPS reinstated 3 p/t that went to driving within a year at the Atlanta Hub.
There was another one when I was on Preload that went driving in less than 3 months after coming back.


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Don't have a link or article, just personal experience. I was employed at UPS for several years when I decided to join my states National Guard. Another person I worked with joined the Regular Army and was gone for several years before he came back and claimed his job. Google USERRA rights.

I went back and researched what you wrote because I was doubtful you were right. I was under the impression that the military protection is not offered if you are not already in the military prior to working for an employer.

In researching what you wrote, I have to admit I was wrong and you are correct. It would appear that even though the OP is not in the military, he can apply for enlistment and be protected in his civilian job.

USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster Medical System. USERRA also prohibits employers from discriminating against past and present members of the uniformed services, and applicants to the uniformed services.

You have the right to be reemployed in your civilian job if you leave that job to perform service in the uniformed service and:
• you ensure that your employer receives advance written or verbal notice of your service;
• you have five years or less of cumulative service in the uniformed services while with that particular employer;
• you return to work or apply for reemployment in a timely manner after conclusion of service; and
• you have not been separated from service with a disqualifying discharge or under other than honorable conditions.

If you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be restored to the job and benefits you would have attained if you had not been absent due to military service or, in some cases, a comparable job.

If you:
• are a past or present member of the uniformed service;
have applied for membership in the uniformed service; or
• are obligated to serve in the uniformed service;
then an employer may not deny you
• initial employment;
• reemployment;
• retention in employment;
• promotion; or
• any benefit of employment.
because of this status.
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PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I was in HR for 4 years and UPS reinstated 3 p/t that went to driving within a year at the Atlanta Hub.
There was another one when I was on Preload that went driving in less than 3 months after coming back.
When my Guard unit was deployed for a year my UPS HR person told me I may not have a job when I returned. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


cap'n crunch
I just talked to my son about this since he went through it. He worked for several years in the hub, then enlisted in the navy. He said he went to HR before he left and filled out a bunch of paperwork. UPS wants to know the dates he goes in, boot camp date, years of enlistment, etc. He did his 4 years, came back and went to UPS and asked for his job. He got his seniority back, including the time he was in the navy. He also got all the raises he missed, tho he said they really drug their feet on this point. He got it tho, and still works there.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Under the impression of a driver leaves sonority will be kept. Does that mean pay scale will continue? I'm currently in a four year progression. Been driving a year. Interested if joining the military for 2 years active/ 6 years reserves. Would I rejoin driving with one year left until top rate?
Stay safe and thank you!

Over 70

Well-Known Member
I just talked to my son about this since he went through it. He worked for several years in the hub, then enlisted in the navy. He said he went to HR before he left and filled out a bunch of paperwork. UPS wants to know the dates he goes in, boot camp date, years of enlistment, etc. He did his 4 years, came back and went to UPS and asked for his job. He got his seniority back, including the time he was in the navy. He also got all the raises he missed, tho he said they really drug their feet on this point. He got it tho, and still works there.

Wow that's hard to believe. That's a good deal! I get saving the job/seniority but to have got all the raises too? Sounds too good to be true. Good for him


Well-Known Member
Yes he gets everything back and when he does his two weeks for the reserves he gets his pension credit also I did it for 22 years