- Dismiss Carol Tome


Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen,

We acquired 4000 verified signatures in four days! This might not sound like much to some, but it is indeed an achievement. You have to crawl before you walk, or run.

I have received various inquiries regarding this petition and the vast majority is quite positive. From time to time a few individuals state their opinion that this petition is a waste of time because corporate is corrupt and there's nothing we can do to change it.

I, however, disagree. I believe if we are passionate about something and we want to make a change for the better, we owe it to ourselves and the world to put forth the effort. Various media inquiries expressed interest with our petition and have stated they will continue to follow our progress. If we reach pre-determined levels of signatures, they will conduct an interview and run a story. UPS is obviously a global brand and investments in UPS are vast. 401k's, personal brokerage accounts, pension funds, ETF's and many additional forms of direct and indirect investments in UPS have taken a hit due to our falling stock price. At this rate, our employee base will continue to fall as well. UPS is rolling out automation across the nation from HUB to HUB and they will no doubt extend this trend worldwide. As our customer service continues it's decline and corporate UPS focuses on giving up volume prior to replacing that volume with better margin volume, we will lose our delivery volume and jobs, which will no doubt exacerbate our current situation.

Replacing low margin volume with higher margin volume is indeed a good plan for the long game, but we should capture all volume until we reach capacity, then slowly reduce our low margin volume packages as appropriate. Anyone who believes we should give up work before that work has been replaced, has no business being in a UPS management position. Taking trucks off the road and airplanes out of the air to save money is gross incompetence. Capturing market share to fill our truck and planes, then reducing low margin volume at a reasonably slow rate to minimize the impact of our jobs, investments, business and future is the reasonable and logical path going forward.

If you agree with common sense business, please sign our petition, share with the world and lets all push for a change for the better! Our professional, financial and personal lives are depending on it!



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Never bought my own handtruck
Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen,

We acquired 4000 verified signatures in four days! This might not sound like much to some, but it is indeed an achievement. You have to crawl before you walk, or run.

I have received various inquiries regarding this petition and the vast majority is quite positive. From time to time a few individuals state their opinion that this petition is a waste of time because corporate is corrupt and there's nothing we can do to change it.

I, however, disagree. I believe if we are passionate about something and we want to make a change for the better, we owe it to ourselves and the world to put forth the effort. Various media inquiries expressed interest with our petition and have stated they will continue to follow our progress. If we reach pre-determined levels of signatures, they will conduct an interview and run a story. UPS is obviously a global brand and investments in UPS are vast. 401k's, personal brokerage accounts, pension funds, ETF's and many additional forms of direct and indirect investments in UPS have taken a hit due to our falling stock price. At this rate, our employee base will continue to fall as well. UPS is rolling out automation across the nation from HUB to HUB and they will no doubt extend this trend worldwide. As our customer service continues it's decline and corporate UPS focuses on giving up volume prior to replacing that volume with better margin volume, we will lose our delivery volume and jobs, which will no doubt exacerbate our current situation.

Replacing low margin volume with higher margin volume is indeed a good plan for the long game, but we should capture all volume until we reach capacity, then slowly reduce our low margin volume packages as appropriate. Anyone who believes we should give up work before that work has been replaced, has no business being in a UPS management position. Taking trucks off the road and airplanes out of the air to save money is gross incompetence. Capturing market share to fill our truck and planes, then reducing low margin volume at a reasonably slow rate to minimize the impact of our jobs, investments, business and future is the reasonable and logical path going forward.

If you agree with common sense business, please sign our petition, share with the world and lets all push for a change for the better! Our professional, financial and personal lives are depending on it!

Another Teamster that thinks they can run a Fortune 500 company. SMGDH and :censored2:.


Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen,

We acquired 4000 verified signatures in four days! This might not sound like much to some, but it is indeed an achievement. You have to crawl before you walk, or run.

I have received various inquiries regarding this petition and the vast majority is quite positive. From time to time a few individuals state their opinion that this petition is a waste of time because corporate is corrupt and there's nothing we can do to change it.

I, however, disagree. I believe if we are passionate about something and we want to make a change for the better, we owe it to ourselves and the world to put forth the effort. Various media inquiries expressed interest with our petition and have stated they will continue to follow our progress. If we reach pre-determined levels of signatures, they will conduct an interview and run a story. UPS is obviously a global brand and investments in UPS are vast. 401k's, personal brokerage accounts, pension funds, ETF's and many additional forms of direct and indirect investments in UPS have taken a hit due to our falling stock price. At this rate, our employee base will continue to fall as well. UPS is rolling out automation across the nation from HUB to HUB and they will no doubt extend this trend worldwide. As our customer service continues it's decline and corporate UPS focuses on giving up volume prior to replacing that volume with better margin volume, we will lose our delivery volume and jobs, which will no doubt exacerbate our current situation.

Replacing low margin volume with higher margin volume is indeed a good plan for the long game, but we should capture all volume until we reach capacity, then slowly reduce our low margin volume packages as appropriate. Anyone who believes we should give up work before that work has been replaced, has no business being in a UPS management position. Taking trucks off the road and airplanes out of the air to save money is gross incompetence. Capturing market share to fill our truck and planes, then reducing low margin volume at a reasonably slow rate to minimize the impact of our jobs, investments, business and future is the reasonable and logical path going forward.

If you agree with common sense business, please sign our petition, share with the world and lets all push for a change for the better! Our professional, financial and personal lives are depending on it!


You the same Dusty that played bass for ZZ TOP?
Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen,

We acquired 4000 verified signatures in four days! This might not sound like much to some, but it is indeed an achievement. You have to crawl before you walk, or run.

I have received various inquiries regarding this petition and the vast majority is quite positive. From time to time a few individuals state their opinion that this petition is a waste of time because corporate is corrupt and there's nothing we can do to change it.

I, however, disagree. I believe if we are passionate about something and we want to make a change for the better, we owe it to ourselves and the world to put forth the effort. Various media inquiries expressed interest with our petition and have stated they will continue to follow our progress. If we reach pre-determined levels of signatures, they will conduct an interview and run a story. UPS is obviously a global brand and investments in UPS are vast. 401k's, personal brokerage accounts, pension funds, ETF's and many additional forms of direct and indirect investments in UPS have taken a hit due to our falling stock price. At this rate, our employee base will continue to fall as well. UPS is rolling out automation across the nation from HUB to HUB and they will no doubt extend this trend worldwide. As our customer service continues it's decline and corporate UPS focuses on giving up volume prior to replacing that volume with better margin volume, we will lose our delivery volume and jobs, which will no doubt exacerbate our current situation.

Replacing low margin volume with higher margin volume is indeed a good plan for the long game, but we should capture all volume until we reach capacity, then slowly reduce our low margin volume packages as appropriate. Anyone who believes we should give up work before that work has been replaced, has no business being in a UPS management position. Taking trucks off the road and airplanes out of the air to save money is gross incompetence. Capturing market share to fill our truck and planes, then reducing low margin volume at a reasonably slow rate to minimize the impact of our jobs, investments, business and future is the reasonable and logical path going forward.

If you agree with common sense business, please sign our petition, share with the world and lets all push for a change for the better! Our professional, financial and personal lives are depending on it!

gosh darn. I ain't reading all that. A petition won't change anything. Best you could do is buy some stock and vote her out but there's no guarantee that the next person would be any better. Someone that actually worked at UPS would be an improvement though


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Too late, she's on the lunchbox. Anyway, beware, the next head honcho might really want to cut your job, make you shave, cover tats, more than what you have now.


Age quod agis
Look and appreciate. This is not a fail, considering the amount of employees and if each one owned one piece of stock.
Power in numbers.
An untouched body of ownership choosing one day to exercise ownership I believe you can get what you want done. If that means 100,000 different UPS employees owned one piece of UPS and decided to act on that one piece of stock that one day of reckoning.
End of that one day didn’t make a difference, drag it to two days and I if needed three days.

Campaign “Put the Service Back in UPS”
Ownership used to be a fundamental. Let’s grab it back by the horns and bring service back into united parcel service.